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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Picasa recognises faces in photos

Picasa, Google's photo site, now recognizes faces. If you add names to faces, Picasa will start to recognize patterns. If you add more photos, Picasa will start to suggest tags.

Future Vision by Erwin Van Lun on this article

Picasa is a brand that lets you relive the past. Just like all the other brands that mean something to us, they also know our friends. Currently we have to tell them, but soon they’ll know so many people that they can recognize people purely based on our contact list. Maybe it’ll turn out that we’re in a picture with someone we haven’t seen for fifteen years and wouldn’t even recognize anymore. And then the live-interpretation will follow: we’ll be walking on the street, then brands will help us recognize people immediately. We’ll just hear it in our (invisible) ear piece. Never again ‘who was that again?’ And so we’re taking a step closer to the future every day.

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