Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Category: 2050 technology

Future visions of technology in 2050

Free energy will soon change the world forever!

Professional video on free energy: energy that is tapped directly from the air, with contributors from MIT, Princeton University and NASA.

The video demonstrates free energy and floatation of objects (free energy).

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

As soon as western society starts to believe this is real stuff, the #transition of our world will accelerate. Imagine the day where everyone on earth has access to free energy? All developing countries could lighten houses at night allowing them to read books and learn. Using the energy to travel, to meet other cultures, learn new languages.

And what water, one of the main problems on earth. We obviously have enough water on our planet. The main problem with extract drinkable water from salt water. Did you know the main problem is that is takes to much energy?

How would life look like with enough energy, enough water and enough food?

Wouldn’t it be much more peaceful? Wouldn’t is be more beautiful?

So where are we waiting for?

We are all stuck in our believe system saying that this technology is not possible, and our believe system is supported by huge traditional industries with millions of employees who fear their jobs when these technologies would make it to mass production.

What are we gonna do? Wait until the next generation? Or participate in the largest crowd funding project ever? I believe that will be the next step.

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Nanocars: individually moving molecules

Scientists of Rice University have accidentally discovered how atoms can move individually on nanoscale. The so-called nanocards determine their own path.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

That count mean that we’ll start to develop issue that, for example, folds clothes or cleans clothes (goes directly to the dirty spots), pulls away water from the sink (will you even need a kitchen?) or paints the wall. Or that envelops our body when we get cold and has exactly the right temperature. That clothing will then adapt to the environment. With friends? It’ll get very different colours, other properties then when we make music or meditate or practice a sport. After we’ve gotten used to ‘normal’ robots in our lives, everything will change exactly how we want it at that moment. Now that‘s mass-customisation.

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Nitrogen atoms with magnetic field earth

Nitrogen atoms can be used in diamond to detect a magnetic field that's a ten-thousandth weaker than that of the earth. However the quantum properties of the atoms have to be 'manipulated' for this. It's the first time that the quantum properties of a material are used in practice.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

If we can measure the earth’s magnetic field, we can also determine where we are. Of course we can already use GPS for that, but that doesn’t work inside our home or underground. This type of invention will eventually lead to being able to order a robot to dig a 1500 kilometer long pipeline and the robot will work on it on its own. That in turn means we can have water available anywhere in the world, that we can have power lines run everywhere, and furthermore – what I predict – that we can make an underground outpost-like network which allows us to be transported through the earth at great speeds. To be on the other side of the world in literally half an hour. This type of technology is what we can expect in 2050.

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Expression, affection and cognition measured and used

In this movie, Tan Le of emotive systems demonstrates how someone, by thinking of something can really move objects (on a screen). She expects the first applications with gamers. I see a radical change of human existence in the long term.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The moment we start to measure our brains, and we bring the subconscious into the conscious mind, we’ll be able to do brilliant things, we’ll be able to train our brain a way that still seems impossible, we’ll be able to do things that are currently considered to be ‘miracles’. Remembering all names of a couple of hundred people at the same time, counting the amount of pins falling to the floor, or knowing the number pi to a few thousand numbers after the comma. It’ll all be in our reach later. Well, for us? Actually for the generations in 2050. The time of Pamper Planet.

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Connecting all humans to everything

Kevin Warwick is the first cyborg (Cybernetic Organism, part human part machine) in the world, the first man directly connected to computers... He's professor in cybernetics at the University of Reading, England. Here he does research into, amongst others, artificial intelligence, robotics and 'biomedical engineering'. He let his own body be implanted with a kind of capsule that wirelessly connects his nerve system to the computers in the building. What he didn't expect was that he'd get affection for the computer in the building. It happened, though.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We don’t just use technology to control everything, we use it to measure everything too. With this type of technology you can let the blind see (again), let the deaf hear (again) and let people with paraplegia walk again. Those are really only the simple uses. In 2050 we’ll also be able to obveserve things we normally wouldn’t be able to. Seeing in the dark is a simple example of this, but it gets more interesting when you can, for example, feel the earth’s magnetic field and therefore always know where you are. That kind of use will fit seamlessly with the free human, the human that wants to explore the earth everywhere and always in perfect safety. Furthermore with this type of technology we’ll rediscover what we actually already knew: that everything is connected to each other. In this way we can start to train our spiritual skills. And that’s Pamper Planet all over.

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Artificial addition to DNA bases

Scientists have succeeded in adding four extra base pares to DNA. Of course DNA consists of four base pairs, that make up the genetic code. This is the basis of all life on earth. Now, Masahiko Inouye and his colleagues of the University of Toyoma, Japan have developed four new artificial base pairs (Journal of the American Chemical Society, DOI: 10.1021/ja801058h). The plan is to research how this artificial DNA can replicate itself.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We’re recreating life. We’re researching how we can develop new life that’ll assist us in all kinds of ways, that’ll help humanity along, on the most fundamental level. Because we’re not doing this kind of research for fun. When in 2050 the time of the robots will be behind us again, how can completely new life forms help us get further? What can new life forms do that robots can’t? And it has to be something that no organism on earth can do now. Green people that turn sunlight into oxygen aren’t part of this for example. We can make that by combining existing codes. But it is about physical life (and not on spiritual/energy level) that can replicate itself. Gaseous life that cleans the air? Self-expanding space-shields that life on energy in space and which we can use to travel through time? Self-repairing metal (useful for robots, no?) If anyone has a suggestion…

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Biorobots do exactly what we want

Although robots are getting increasingly smaller and more precise they're still completely unsuited to move on a microscopic or even nanoscopic scale. Jan Liphardt, a physicist of the University of California, Berkeley has patented an idea in which bacteria's are stripped until they have only the amount of DNA that allows them to perform a specific task, for example 'swimming' past a chemical path looking for chemicals to take along.

The team shows that thousands of these 'biorobots' – or minicells – as a true force for example can be have the characteristics cut in the microprocessors.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The world is made of energy, from which matter is built up. To control the world, you need to go as small as possible. We’ll utilise these techniques to clean our body, get all the rubbish out, all the chemicals, all the cancer cells, all aged cells, and have it replaced by new, young material. It’s just one example that connects to the ‘surviving human’, the human who wants to be immortal, a wish that has existed since humanity. And we’ll go on until we have a solution, and that solution will come.

Claytronics: synthetic reality, the world reinvented

In the video under this picture you can see a (very far, think of 2050) futuristic view on claytronics , being developed by the Carnegie Mellon University: a technology that imitates form at a distance. Like sound and vision are recorded by microphone and camera, are transported through electronic media and are played somewhere else, this technology does the same with form. It does that by having millions of microscopic balls changing shape and color dynamically. In this video we see a car which arises out of a bowl of balls, which then can be manually changed at the spot. More information below. Claytronics will have an enormous impact on the way brands will develop products. If a designer forms a product, it can arise at thousands of consumer tables at the same time, with all its possibilities and impossibilities. It will still take a very long time, but earlier or later this will throw marketing off its feet (again).


