User reviews are very much appreciated. More than half of the respondents value the opinion of other consumers more than the opinion of a professional reviewer (58 percent). Only 1 out of 5 (19 percent) Dutch people value the opinion of a professional reviewer more than the opinion of another consumer. People generally do not have many doubts about the information on the sites. A minority have doubts about reliability (29 percent), independence (35 percent) and topicality (36 percent) of the information on the sites.
The outcome of this survey in 2012: 85% of the consumers will value recommendations of close or distant friends more than those of consumers in general (45%) or from professional reviewers (20%). Looking at actual behavior, these figures will be even more extreme: then you will see that 95% of the consumers for their buying decisions depend on close or distant friends, 42% on other consumers and only 10% on professional reviewers.