Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Expression, affection and cognition measured and used

In this movie, Tan Le of emotive systems demonstrates how someone, by thinking of something can really move objects (on a screen). She expects the first applications with gamers. I see a radical change of human existence in the long term.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The moment we start to measure our brains, and we bring the subconscious into the conscious mind, we’ll be able to do brilliant things, we’ll be able to train our brain a way that still seems impossible, we’ll be able to do things that are currently considered to be ‘miracles’. Remembering all names of a couple of hundred people at the same time, counting the amount of pins falling to the floor, or knowing the number pi to a few thousand numbers after the comma. It’ll all be in our reach later. Well, for us? Actually for the generations in 2050. The time of Pamper Planet.

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Augmented reality via iPhone

Anyone who gets a marker in the iPhone's image will immediately see a dog appear.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

It’s a form of product activation. Currently with a marker, but later you can pick up the iPhone with every object you see and it’ll be identified and you’ll be able to compare it and order it from a retailer or ask for more information from the brand. This future isn’t so far away now.

Related trends

Travelta mobile

Travelsite Travelta now has a location-based hotel seeker for mobile phones with which users can find and reserve hotels in their area using GPS or Cell-ID location. Beside that the site also shows up-to-date information on which type of rooms are available, check-in and check-out times, hotel photos and how many stars the hotel has. The user can then reserve a room through an (inter)national phone number.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We’re mapping out the whole world and show it on Internet. Through desk and laptop, but also through our mobile phones. Everything we find on the internet we’ll also find on the mobile phone. Later, in whichever city you walk in, you can always ask Travelta whether there’s a hotel room which you can reserve for the night available.

Related trends

Demae-can lets you order pizza through the Wii

Japanese Nintendo Wii owners can order pizza from their game console from the coming spring. The pizza will be delivered within half an hour. To facilitate the food orders through the Wii, Nintendo Japan has collaborated with the delivery site Apart from pizza people can also order Chinese or sushi through the special Wii channel.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Brands are preparing for an enormous revolution: namely being present on a whole bunch of (mobile) screens. By now the time of ‘the’ internet is far behind us. The luxury that we only had to worry about the size of the sreen. It’s about about being present everywhere. And later, on call, when you hear your name ‘as brand’, you have to get to it right away.

CNN reporter Jessica Yellin holografic

CNN reporter Jessica Yellin is projected as a live hologram into this show. There are 35 cameras on her physical location. Where her hologram is filmed, the camera position is carefully measured. Exactly that angle is 'beamed over'. We see a 2D image, but because we can move around it, it appears 3D. However, when another angle is added, when the recordings happen with multiple cameras simultaneously or there are more people around it, only one person or camera will get the right image, others will se the 2D images 'from the side'.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

More and more real. Currently in 2D, later in 3D. Then we can be projected into a group of people, no problem. And when you’re wearing the right clothes (with camerastrips), the group will be projected around you again. So that you can see look the ‘projected’ people straight in the eye. And the brand agents?  They’ll merrily walk between them and won’t be distinguishable frm the real thing by then (human brand!) Outrageously far this, but the real work has yet to come.

Related trends

The blind can see again!

Doctor have managed to let the blind see (something) again. Linda Moorfoot, blind for over ten years, can see her granddaughter dance again. This thanks to an implant to the eye ball. The miniscule weight of the camera lets it move with the eye's movements. The images are vague as of yet, she sees an image built up of 16 large black and white blocks and reading or facial recognition is still out, but newer versions are already on the way with over 1000 blocks (pixels) which should enable facial recognition.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Later we’ll be able to repair all accidents and flaws in nature. This’ll unburden health care and daily support immensely. Blind that can walk by themselves? You won’t need a guide-dog anymore.

Google predicts the flu

Using Flu Trends, Google predicts the spread of the flu. Google's researchers have discovered that there's a relationship between people who have the flu and who search for flu-related words. From their own research it shows that there are more flu-related queries during the flu season. The movement of this trend
To inform the insurees of the height of the profit, InShared is the fist insurance company that makes it's premium-damage equation permanently public. On the site you can find exactly how much premium InShared has received in total and how much damage the insurer has had to pay. The figures are actualised each quarter. From the total income, InShared reserves 80% for paying damages; the remaining 20% are reserved for the company and potential losses. All the money in the 80% that's not used for damages goes back to the insured.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

A brilliant example of the brand coming-out: the process in which companies start to operate completely transparentl, and enter society as a network. In a next step, consumers will be stimulated to keep the collective claims as low as possible, for now it’s on an individual basis. Involvement will be rewarded, you can see that reward as salary, through which thousands of employees are found. And in the step after that the salaries of employees will be known too, all bonuses, but also what exactly they do. This is how a brand grows from being a closed system that offers products into a dynamic open network in which people network to add additional value to each other’s lves. And wherein the brand has only become stronger. Much stronger.

Facebook is growing with 600,00 members per day(!)

Social network Facebook is growing with 600,000 new users each day. Currently the counter is at over 150 million. About 70% of this growth comes from outside the US.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The amount of companies with a huge customerbase is ever rising. When I wrote my book I identified Vodafone and Citibank with 300 million customers. The amount of companies/brands that operates world-wide, has a shred customer database worldwide and which can help customers worldwide without having to create a new account will happily continue to rise in the coming years. The waiting is for the first company with a billion registered users.

Spotted by Locals turns tourists into locals

Dutch company Spotted by Locals has won the international Open Web Awards in the category "Travel". Spotted by Locals is a European network of (currently) 20 cityblogs on which local bloggers write about their favourite places in the city they love. The site is aimed at experienced travellers that want to experience cities in a local way and would like to miss a highlight or two to avoid the tourist masses. Currently there are 95 "Spotters" that, after a personal conversation, are contracted to write about their city.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The artificially created difference between ‘tourist’ and ‘local’ will disappear. It’s about people with a comparable living pattern that are brought together world-wide. Someone who appreciated a couple of restaurants in Barcelona, will also appreciate comparable restaurants in Amsterdam or Sydney. It really is about the individual experience and that’s clearly visible in this example.

Related trends

Readen takes care of it all

Through Readen Commerce's personal assistant you can automatically take care of your business appointments. Your flight delayed? Your appointments will be automatically informed and your dinner moved. And that's just an example.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We’re connecting everything real time. Later when you’re in an interesting conversation, but your next appointment is delayed you’ll simply not be told to end your conversation. You can keep chatting a while longer. Just like parents with their children. Only on the moment you leave, you’ll get a signal, and if you want fifteen minutes earlier so that you can finalise things. And of course coming this this coming years with (worldwide, realtime) traffic information. In time the car will show up a little later, the heating will turn on a little later and the groceries are delivered a little later. Human’s whole time management (both business and private) will be taken from one’s hands and this is an example in that direction.

Related trends

Wikipedia mobile

Wikipedia has a mobile site. You can also click on spoken articles.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

With everything we see we’ll get answers to all questions. Currently by starting Wikipedia, but later we’ll call out “Hey, Wik! What kind of tree is that?” and then we’ll be answered immediately. It’ll be the ultimate for kids whose parents sooner or later won’t want to answer the ‘why?’ quesstions and increase the intelligence of a new generation enormously.

Connecting all humans to everything

Kevin Warwick is the first cyborg (Cybernetic Organism, part human part machine) in the world, the first man directly connected to computers... He's professor in cybernetics at the University of Reading, England. Here he does research into, amongst others, artificial intelligence, robotics and 'biomedical engineering'. He let his own body be implanted with a kind of capsule that wirelessly connects his nerve system to the computers in the building. What he didn't expect was that he'd get affection for the computer in the building. It happened, though.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We don’t just use technology to control everything, we use it to measure everything too. With this type of technology you can let the blind see (again), let the deaf hear (again) and let people with paraplegia walk again. Those are really only the simple uses. In 2050 we’ll also be able to obveserve things we normally wouldn’t be able to. Seeing in the dark is a simple example of this, but it gets more interesting when you can, for example, feel the earth’s magnetic field and therefore always know where you are. That kind of use will fit seamlessly with the free human, the human that wants to explore the earth everywhere and always in perfect safety. Furthermore with this type of technology we’ll rediscover what we actually already knew: that everything is connected to each other. In this way we can start to train our spiritual skills. And that’s Pamper Planet all over.

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Kogan asks for name

Kogan is an Australian electronics supplier and has made, amongst others, the second Google Android phone in the world, the Kogan Agora. During its announcement a call was made for a new name and there were many responses. It doesn't appear that the name was really chosen. The phone is expected on the market shortly.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Brands are experiencing a brand coming-out, involve consumers on every level, so also in thinking about the name. Currently as an unorganised ‘mess’, but later with arguments, votes for arguments, etc. So that the best ideas float at the top and not the ideas of the people who make the most noise. Because the world that’s being created it won’t be about shouting anymore, but it’ll be about listening.

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