Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Phone with picoprojector

This phone with picoprojector, the Samsung W7900 'Show', is for sale in Korea. The image can be projected onto a wall or screen a good 50 inch, or 1 meter 25 centimeters and a resolution of 480x30 pixels. Furthermore the device has a 3.2 inch OLED display which stands for sharpness and high contrast. Below you can view a videopreview of this Samsung. The projector is demonstrated at the end.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

With comparable technology we’ll be able to cheaply equip all walls with images, project virtual worlds and give us (brand) experiences which we can only dream of currently.

Related trends

ING shows ATMs in preview

The ING Wegwijzer literally shows you the ING ATMs on Google Android phones. By keeping the phone at eye height you can signal what you're looking at and show it on the screen, enriched with the locations and distance of the nearby ATMs.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

All brands with a physical presence will use this advantage on the street. They’ll make the phone part of the experience, that’ll lure you in as it were. Currently an ATM is really functional, but a restaurant, move theatre or casino will deal with this very differently.

By the by financial coaching brands will take over the job of pointing out where the ATMs are. After all you want to know where all ATMs are, not just those of the ING.

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Phone as X-ray device

You can look through this phone. Put it on an interactive people, like that of Microsoft Surface, and you'll see a kind of X-ray image appear.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Screens are increasingly working together. Eventually we can have dozens of small, different screens in our room and they’ll all work together to give us the optimum experience. And we can communicate with a brand using all these screens at the same time. Those’ll be fun challenges.

Related trends

Jaap on iPhone grabs the right house immediately

Dutch housing site is now also available on the iPhone. If you're somewhere near a house and your Jaap application is active, all you have to do is shake your iPhone. Jaap will then determine which houses are available in the area. You can then look up pictures, the price, surface area, description immediately. You can also call the real estate agent.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Coaching brands are at your side 24 hours a day, world-wide. Through the iPhone or any other device. Later on all we have to call is “Jaap, would this be something for me?” Then Jaap will appear, visualized as a character, and we’ll enter a spoken dialogue. And Jaap will be able to advise you, with your background and wishes in mind. You won’t have to boot up an application. This is a step in that direction.

Biological effect of believing

According to Bruce Lipton, Professor in Medicine, we control our genes and not the other way around. Twice he's had to leave universities because of his radical ideas, but nowadays his ideas are more accepted. As a bridge-builder between science and spirituality, Lipton believes that bad vibes are bad for our DNA and good vibes improve them. How we handle feelings and emotions is determining in this.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

All matter consists of waves. Everything resonates. Everything is connected. Per definition.

The physics lesson at school dictated: “a model is a simplified rendition of reality”. A model is useful to use and our model, in which we modeled the human as matter, has brought us a lot further. However, new technology enables us to make better models, that fit better with reality. This kind of vision fit exactly into this.

Related trends

YouTube to television

YouTube now has a special TV version: YouTube for Television shows the movies on your tv using the Nintendo Wii and the PlayStation 3. The viewer can navigate the site shown on the tv with their remote. The navigation has been especially adapted for tv. Bigger text fonts keep the whole legible. YouTube Television is available in 22 countries and 12 languages.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

And this is how the landscape of home entertainment coaching brands is beginning to get shaped nicely. A few large parties will be left in the world and they’ll make a selection for us from all content every created in the world. YouTube will undoubtedly be one of them. And as I already wrote in my book: “In 2015 there’ll be a few leftovers of broadcasting services”. A destructive approach, but that’s the future.

Related trends

Zuka offers housing trade

Dutch housing site Zuka lets house-sellers in the same price range trade homes too. People who offer their home up for trade can use the description to tell others what they're looking for, for example in which area or what price range a new house is sought. Interested parties can then approach the people behind a home themselves.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Home coaching brands will be at our side for all elements of living, so house trades too.

Netflix integrates in TV

Netflix, America's online video provider, is integrating into LG's newest televisions. You'll no longer need a separate box. As a result the TV will get $300 more expensive. Earlier, Netflix made a deal with Microsoft to make its video library available for the Xbox 360, with TiVo's for digital video recorders and for Samsung's blu-ray players.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is how the screen in our living room disconnects from the phenomena ‘programming the television night’. Later on every tv will be connected per definition and our personal entertainment program will start exactly when we drop onto the couch. Entertainment coaching brands, and Netflix could be one, know exactly how to entertain us and create a crazy night. Much more fun than before. Every night. But we’ll have to pay a lot for that.

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Health Guide gives data with videoconferencing

With the Intel Health Guide a patient is given a user-friendly touch screen which can be used to measure one's health. For example, reminding one to move or to take certain kind of food or medicine. The system is also connected to several other devices, such as a scale, a glucose meter and a thermometer.

You connect through speech and video with the diagnosing and treating doctors. Those doctors can analyze trends, advise (instruction) videos and ask research questions. Here's a demo

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is a big step forward in health care: we’re automating what should have been automated long ago. In the next step we’ll analyze trends cleverly automated, advise pro-actively, before we’ve even seen a doctor. With smart artificial intelligence we can automate the most frequently asked questions to Health Guide, the brand with which we enter the dialogue and that will get an increasingly more important role in our lives.

Related trends

How we think of a screwdriver

When we think of a screw driver, there isn't one neuron that lights up, there's a whole pattern. We think of how we hold a screw driver, what we can do with it, what memories we connect with it. By measuring this pattern we can determine pretty precisely what someone is thinking of. What's also special is that the core of this process looks like the pattern of others. It looks like it, but it's never exactly the same. After all everyone has different experiences with screw drivers.

This does mean that you can determine that someone is thinking of a screw driver without any prior measuring. And that's shown in this movie by showing ten pictures and asking the subject to think of them. Then the computer guesses, without knowing which pictures were shown, correctly 10 times out of 10 without any problems. And you could call that 'mind reading'.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Almost without exception this’ll give people negative feelings. After all, the invasion of privacy is huge. Determining lies, the use in courts. People are shuddering from this.

Yet this technology has a very friendly side too. We can make traumatized people relive their experiences and reprogram them using virtual worlds to create very different associations. We can measure people’s feelings in certain situations. With animal confrontation, with violence or conflict. Or the behaviour in certain situations. And that’ll allow us to create very effective therapies.

But we can also use it to measure whether certain concepts will work. Whether you’ve understood something. And then offer the studying material again. It’ll make generations happier, more intelligent and create a more peaceful society.

Related trends

PSP shows reruns in stadium

Arsenal, an English soccer club, is working together with Sony to create an application that'll make it possible for viewers to watch reruns in the stadium via their PlayStation Portable (PSP).

With a PSP and the application developed by Sony, it's possible for visitors to the Emirates Stadium to watch the game as live-stream on their PSP. With the necessary statistics and of course the instant replays shortly after a goal or other highlight.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Physical world and virtual world will blend seamlessly. Later on we’ll be able to ‘zoom’, but not just from where we’re sitting, from every position. We can go back in time, the moment everyone entered if need be. And make contact with others, in the stadium or at home. Or we’ll see extra people walking on the field, or animals, or objects. You name it. But for now this first has to become live.

The White House blogs

Macon Phillips, the Director of New Media van The Oval Office, has started a blog on the White House's website. (Understandably) reactions aren't possible.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

All organizations, governmental organizations too, are experiencing a brand coming out, are becoming completely open and transparent. There’s no way back; all future governments will do this too. Eventually we’ll want to know exactly what civil servants are doing, and how long they’re taking and whether it’s really necessary. Pretty logical actually. After all, we pay them.

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Icons with everything you see

The University of Ljubljana as developed a system which makes icons appear on objects you see in your environment. This through very clever pattern recognition.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We’ll be able to ask spoken questions with everything we see. In any language. This is another step in that direction.

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Robot puts cup in the dish washer

This robot, the Armar of the Institute for Process Control and Robotics of the University of Karsruhe, puts cups in the dishwasher.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

It’s very impressive to see how robots can copy our behaviour. However, dishwashers are designed to be used by humans. As soon as we can robotize this process we’ll start to design dishwasher differently, will they get a wholly different look. Perhaps there will be an installation below the ground, outside or in the attic. Or will everything be ‘blown clean’ piece by piece and cleared away immediately. Anything is possible, as long as we don’t see any dirty dishes and there is always a clean cup available. Maybe a nice design contest for Miele?

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