Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Category: Coaching brands

Coaching brands are a new type of brands which will develop over the next ten years. Coaching brands cover areas such as health, money, travel, home or children. Within their area they know everything that is available (world wide!) and besides, they know everything about us individuals. This way coaching brands will anticipate our wishes, advice us and help us make transactions. We will select 10-20 of these coaching brands: one for each area. These brands become our friends. They are available anywhere we are, world wide. These brands will have themselves represented by ‘coaching brand agents’: visual characters with which we start vocal dialogues. In the long term these characters will look like people. On TV, on the mobile phone or on any other possible display they will appear when we want them to. This all goes slowly, step by step. Those steps are discussed here.

NGIZ adds animation to donor form

This March, NIGZ-Donorvoorlichting will start a recruitment campaign (for organ donation) under all 18-year-old Dutch people. Beside a letter to the home address the webcam is central to this campaign. All youths born in 1990 will receive a donor form and a pamphlet at home in mid-March.

Both the pamphlet and the form have a spectacular 3D animation. This animation will come to life if the form or the pamphlet is held in front of the webcam. That makes the NIGZ-Donorvoorlichting one of the first parties to use web based augmented reality, or combining the real world with virtual data.

A preview of the campaign can already be seen on Click on through to the webcam part and an ActiveX-application will appear. The installation will take about 10 seconds.

Then the webcam will be recognized. When the webcam is activated the donor form and the pamphlet can be shown to the webcam. The 3D animation will then start on its own. When the form is taken out of the webcam's sight the effect will disappear.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Brands will bring to life anything they can produce physically. Not just products, but flyers, forms and their products. This is a nice example.

Related trends

Kiva for transparent microcredits

Through Kiva you can lend money to an entrepreneur (in a developing country) directly. With your loan you allow people to lift their lives above the poverty line. You choose an entrepreneur, pay a maximum of 25 euros (by credit card or Paypal) and you get your money back without 6 to 12 months. All investments are shown orderly and you get updates via email.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Kiva is just a new-style bank. Borrowing/Lending money, saving money, entrepreneurship. It’s all about mutual trust. Later on another social layer will be on top of this: you can build a reputation as an entrepreneur. Have you borrowed successfully before? Are you recommended by others who borrowed successfully before (that’s an indication this person might be trustworthy too), do you come from a family which has successfully started a business? Or has the borrower contacts who’ve borrowed from you before? It all adds up. And they’re undoubtedly the next steps which organizations of Kiva are working on.

Related trends

Triodos shows investments on map

Dutch bank Triodos Bank lets you see exactly which companies are financed by Triodos Bank and where the interest on your savings comes from. You can also see which local entrepreneurs in your area are supported by your money. You can see the map on the site Mijn geld gaat goed.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

With banking it’s all about trust. Where trust used to come from stock notation and visibility that’s now going to come from transparency. Later on you’ll be able to decide where you want to invest or not. Or you can think along with an entrepreneur you’ve invested in. Or you get a signal when you walk past a project you’ve contributed to. That’s a very different dynamic from the banks which are now wobbling (and will crash).

Related trends

Wonga deposits loan in a few minutes

Using Wonga people in the UK can take short mini-loans online. Or, as they call it themselves, 'instant money' or 'cash on demand'. The applicant can determine the figure and span themselves and hear immediately if the loan is agreed to and, when it's accepted, you can expect the money on your account in a few minutes.

The loan vary between 50 and 200 pounds and have a maximum time span of 30 days. Wonga maintains an interest of 1% a day and £5,50 transaction costs per loan. To stimulate quick payback good borrowers get a higher score and as such more flexibility on future loans. This is how Wonga manages to reduce its debit costs. (demo)

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Everything will become real time, everything will become instantaneous. Later on, you’ll be able to do this via mobile phone, anywhere in the world. Furthermore your reputation will go up if you friends’ reputation is high. And furthermore you’ll be able to borrow money from your friends directly too. They can, for example, stipulate an amount they want to lend to friends with a good pay-back reputation. This is how Wonga will facilitate in a very fast, worldwide but reliable economy. A foundation you can build on. This is a step in that direction.

Related trends

Kinshicho Fujiya shows e-paper menu in restaurant

The Termina Kinshicho Fujiya Restaurant in Japan is experimenting with e-paper, here used as an electronic version of the menu. This allows, for example, the latest news to be shown while the order is prepared.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Paper will disappear and sometimes make space for e-paper. Currently as a separate device, but later on built into the table or the wall, in combination with many more screens to strengthen the experience and don’t disrupt like ads do. This is a nice example.

Related trends

Koopinfo takes into account TV’s viewing distance

Koopinfo, a new Dutch comparison site, doesn't just compare electronic products, but also takes into account the consumer's personal situation. In the so-called 'Kijkwijzer' (viewing guide) the consumer can enter this situation pretty precisely. You can think of such things as the distance from the couch to the tv or the way the light falls in the room.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

It’s a nice example of how comparison sites are growing into coaching brands. Later on we’ll buy everything from such sites, but which ones? That’ll be the comparison site that knows most about us, that has helped us best in the past and which our friends have good experiences with. So with which we have a relationship. This example shows how that relationship is created.

In a next step, Koopinfo will combine with housing sites that know your house completely, including the furniture, and you see and hear the effect of a tv in 3D perspective. Through the computer, the tv, mobile phone or holographically projected in the store. This is a step in that direction.

Related trends

Timboodle looks for music on feeling

Timboodle is a musical search engine with which you can find music on 'state of mind' or based on scraps of lyrics. For example you can search for 40 emotions, like melancholy, happy, subdued or excited. Beside that you can refine search queries by giving additional criteria, like genre, timbre, tempo, meter and kind of vocals.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

In a next step, Timboodle will measure your emotions. For example because webcams (which are available everywhere anyway) or microphones process image and sound with which you emotions can be guessed. And then Timboodle can jump in carefully with music tailored to that. This is how Timboodle can grow into a valuable brand in audio experiences. This is a start.

Related trends

Google shows where your friends are

Google is letting consumers share their location with friends and family on Google Maps for Mobile under the name Google Latitude. To use it, you first need to download the newest version of Google Maps for Mobile and activate Latitude. Then you can invite your friends to share their location with you. When they accept the invitation you can see their location on a Google Maps for Mobile map after which you're given the opportunity to call, text or email them or even chat with them.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is how even Google can grow into a social coaching brand. From Gmail and Google Talk contact lists are created in which Google can even see whom you have more and less contact with. Those contact lists can be used to look up acquaintances fast. Furthermore, with the Android phone, Google can see who’s calling and texting you. This way Google creeps very closely to your friends’ circle and can then offer more added value there.

Related trends

Jaap on iPhone grabs the right house immediately

Dutch housing site is now also available on the iPhone. If you're somewhere near a house and your Jaap application is active, all you have to do is shake your iPhone. Jaap will then determine which houses are available in the area. You can then look up pictures, the price, surface area, description immediately. You can also call the real estate agent.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Coaching brands are at your side 24 hours a day, world-wide. Through the iPhone or any other device. Later on all we have to call is “Jaap, would this be something for me?” Then Jaap will appear, visualized as a character, and we’ll enter a spoken dialogue. And Jaap will be able to advise you, with your background and wishes in mind. You won’t have to boot up an application. This is a step in that direction.

YouTube to television

YouTube now has a special TV version: YouTube for Television shows the movies on your tv using the Nintendo Wii and the PlayStation 3. The viewer can navigate the site shown on the tv with their remote. The navigation has been especially adapted for tv. Bigger text fonts keep the whole legible. YouTube Television is available in 22 countries and 12 languages.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

And this is how the landscape of home entertainment coaching brands is beginning to get shaped nicely. A few large parties will be left in the world and they’ll make a selection for us from all content every created in the world. YouTube will undoubtedly be one of them. And as I already wrote in my book: “In 2015 there’ll be a few leftovers of broadcasting services”. A destructive approach, but that’s the future.

Related trends

Zuka offers housing trade

Dutch housing site Zuka lets house-sellers in the same price range trade homes too. People who offer their home up for trade can use the description to tell others what they're looking for, for example in which area or what price range a new house is sought. Interested parties can then approach the people behind a home themselves.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Home coaching brands will be at our side for all elements of living, so house trades too.

Netflix integrates in TV

Netflix, America's online video provider, is integrating into LG's newest televisions. You'll no longer need a separate box. As a result the TV will get $300 more expensive. Earlier, Netflix made a deal with Microsoft to make its video library available for the Xbox 360, with TiVo's for digital video recorders and for Samsung's blu-ray players.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is how the screen in our living room disconnects from the phenomena ‘programming the television night’. Later on every tv will be connected per definition and our personal entertainment program will start exactly when we drop onto the couch. Entertainment coaching brands, and Netflix could be one, know exactly how to entertain us and create a crazy night. Much more fun than before. Every night. But we’ll have to pay a lot for that.

Related trends

Health Guide gives data with videoconferencing

With the Intel Health Guide a patient is given a user-friendly touch screen which can be used to measure one's health. For example, reminding one to move or to take certain kind of food or medicine. The system is also connected to several other devices, such as a scale, a glucose meter and a thermometer.

You connect through speech and video with the diagnosing and treating doctors. Those doctors can analyze trends, advise (instruction) videos and ask research questions. Here's a demo

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is a big step forward in health care: we’re automating what should have been automated long ago. In the next step we’ll analyze trends cleverly automated, advise pro-actively, before we’ve even seen a doctor. With smart artificial intelligence we can automate the most frequently asked questions to Health Guide, the brand with which we enter the dialogue and that will get an increasingly more important role in our lives.

Related trends

WiFi connected thermostat

This thermostat by EcoBee has an especially high gadget-appeal. The colour touchscreen has an iPhone-like interface with which you can optimalise everything, but because the thermostat is connected to the internet through WiFi you can control everything from your computer (or wherever you are) using your personal web portal. If you've also linked up the energy meter, you get a very accurate image of the amount of energy you're using.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The next steps won’t be so difficult to come up with: the link to the alarm clock so that the thermostat turns itself on exactly so much earlier that your house will be warm exactly on time. Ideal for people with irregular hours. And the link to the navigational system (or your mobility coaching brand) so that the house will feel comfortably warm then too. And finally the link to the energy company, so that you can keep track of the costs. This is how comfort, saving costs and ease (when everything anticipates you; you won’t need to do anything again) go hand in hand. This kind of thermostat will eventually be found in every house.

TripIT gets email of travelling agencies

TripIT is a LinkedIn widget: an application on which you can show where you are in the world and show this on your profile. Of course you can do this manually, but TripIT has a simpler function:

E-mail everything -- flights from, hotels from Orbitz, car rental confirmations -- to this address and we'll condense it into one itinerary.

That's a lot easier.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We simply connect everything, but soon we’ll be releasing database records to organizations like TripIT. We give third parties the right to look at our traveling data. That’s the basis on which travel coaching brands can grow. When they know all about our trips, who best to advise us?

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