Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Category: Media Evolution

The media context slowly matures: a media world in which every individual can send the highest quality text, audio or video. A media world which evolves into a virtual world, a real, made-up or mixed world experienced from a distance. Part I of the book describes the maturing of the media context in detail. Below you’ll read about the small steps in the evolution we already see today.

Interactive screen

In this video you can see an example of applications of an Eyeclick interactive screen, reacting to our fingers (fc, Dutch). Brands too build worlds which we navigate through with our fingers. And then they combine it with voice navigation. Brands then at the same time react to what we say. And then to what we look at, and what emotions we show in our faces. In a couple of years this will be normal. Eyeclick anticipates this development with its name.

Self-learning, listening mobile phones

Vlingo Mobile makes it possible to have mobile phones listen intelligently. Instead of building the intelligence into the phone, the spoken sentence is sent to a central point, and analyzed there. The advantage of this is that potentially millions of sentences come together at the central point, through which the system can learn quickly and therefore highly exceed the quality of current voice recognition systems (at). After having experimented with our phones for a while, we will now start to just talk with it again. Just like in the old days. Only now it is computerized, and where possible supported by images. This development contributes to that. And brands by the way will do the same thing. When we ask the question: 'are there any fun last-minutes for me?', we will get an immediate answer. In word. And in image.

Google Maps offers lots of possibilities

Through Google Maps companies and consumers can now make their own maps which don't just show specific locations (like ATM's, cafes or fashion shops) through the well-know water drops: they can also give characteristics or even interactivity to complete geographical areas. The example shows the 2007 Australian elections (mf, Dutch). Through this we better and better map the physical world, and at the same time determine what we want to see ourselves. Now in 2D on the computer, later in 3D on the mobile phone. Nature, objects, people, plants, and animals: we all map them real-time. Now we still need to actively browse and click through maps, in the future we can just ask, and it will appear on demand.

Live Messenger standard on cell phone

From now on Vodafone will place Windows Live Messenger (formerly MSN Messenger) on its cell phones. By clicking on the icon, Messenger can be downloaded and you can chat immediately. This is how text, speech and video integrate into one channel. Calling will soon only mean 'calling live'. Then it'll be about exchanging (live) images, speech or (live) text messages. That we only used to be able to talk has long been forgotten. Telecom operators then only have a technical role: connecting us to the visual world. social contact brands, into which Live Messenger could grow, facilitate this contact. This is a step in that direction.

Intelligent eavesdropper

With ThePudding people can call a normal phone number through a website, and talk like they do through Skype for example. The words they use are then analyzed, real-time, after which advertisements appear on the screen. Click the image for a demo (via al). Thus brands help us think more and more. Coaching brands stand next to us, and are part of our lives. They know what we are interested in. Not because we actively select our interests in drop-down menus, but because they travel with us. Our whole life. This is the beginning of it.

Related trends

Chatbots and avatars in Google Earth

Users of social network Facebook now can interact in Google Earth through their avatars. Besides it is possible to place chatbots which for example can serve as receptionist, security guard or hotel butler (ab). It is still somewhat limited (no movements, animations or complicated connections), but it clearly shows how the virtual world and the physical world are growing together. Google Earth more and more starts to look like the real world, while at the same time we add all kinds of new elements. In the future we will be able to see brand agents at all physical brand locations. If we then decide to enter one of these locations, we enter the virtual world of the brand. An unlimited space. This is a small step in that direction.

A water wall

At the US Lenovo headquarters they have a screen that seems to be filled with water, and that reacts to passers-by (fc, Dutch). Screens thus more and more provide us access to the virtual world. Now we can make small waves in the water. Later we will be able to swim through them as well. Swimming and flying through a 3D world: in the end human beings dream of being as free as a bird, and technology helps fulfill this wish.

Related trends

A flower for every mood

Through readmymood people can now add a flower to their website or web log, which automatically displays their mood. This is based on the word choice in the texts. My blog at the moment of writing has a high score on 'angry, sad, businesslike, and male', and less high on 'happy, cheerful, emotional, female, and in love'. Therefore a somewhat plain flower, which can be totally different tomorrow. That's why I keep a small archive of the flowers in the extended posting. The latest analysis can also be seen at the Readmymood site, and these often are much more colorful.

This development shows how we get better and better at the automatized reading of emotions. It already happened in 'text mining' and 'voice mining', based on which customer care centers can predict the behavior of consumers. Now it is also available for the consumers. Social coaching brands will assist us in anticipating the emotions of the other, and earlier or later they will be better at that than the average person. Maybe we will call that 'emotion mining'. A related development already is called 'facial coding'. This type of brands then will be essential for functioning in society. As essential as the phone is today. This development contributes to that.

L’Echos brings news on e-paper

French newspaper Les Echos after a pilot is the first newspaper in the world to offer a subscription on e-paper, electronic paper. This 'paper' is in a thin holder, the iLiad, made by Dutch company iRex Technologies. It is sharper than paper, and it doesn't use energy once the page is loaded. This device has a wireless connection to the internet, so that it can be updated continuously. A year subscription to L'Echos's service, including an iLiad, costs 769 euros (am, Dutch). Thus a new display providing access to the virtual world grows. Now it is still expensive, later we will only have the e-paper in our hand, we will fold it and put it in our pocket, and it will be very cheap. Now it is aiming at news, later we can do anything through this thin display. Now in black-and-white, later very sharp in color. Slowly we will see this display appear in our surroundings more and more. It now starts in France.

Photograph and scan business card in 1 action

In HTC's new phone (TyTN II) a standard application has been added: 'WorldCardMobile'. This application makes it possible to photograph a business card, which then is automatically scanned and saved in the contacts (mc, Dutch). This way the mobile phone more and more becomes a screen over the virtual world. Now you still need to start an application, later the business card will automatically be recognized as soon as you move your mobile over it. Then you won't even have to push a button any more. The is the next step, which will apply to all things we see, and it marks the beginning of a completely new world.

A screen that helps you travel in time

This screen not just reacts to several fingers at the same time, it also makes it possible to travel in time (fc, Dutch). Thus the virtual world further extends its time dimensions. We will go back to the past, meet people who lived there then, and meet other time-tourist to point out details to each other. For example the original Heineken logo on a traveling horse and wagon. And we can also travel in the future. To get involved in tomorrow's developments, in concrete or less concrete future plans of other people. Now on a screen, later also projected in our glasses, accompanied by sounds if we wish. The future gets closer step by step.

Flight simulator in Google Earth

Through Google Earth it is now possible to fly around in a fighter jet. After clicking Ctrl+Alt+A (or Command+ Option+ A for mac) the simulator starts. In the picture the 3D image of the Kurhaus in Scheveningen (the Netherlands) you can fly around with the jet (dc, Dutch). We keep copying the physical world. In the future we will fly over a soccer stadium somewhere in the world, we will see a soccer game being played at that very moment, we will see our friends, make contact with them, and - even stronger - they will see us fly by through a special projection in their glasses. Maybe with a banner behind the jet: "Happy Birthday!". Things become sillier, and more fun at the same time. This is a small step in that direction.

Related trends

Mobile phone recognizes buildings

The idea of the Virtual City Guide is that the user only has to aim the mobile phone at the building, after which information about that building appears at the display of the mobile phone. The same thing is possible for posters or paintings. The mobile phone recognizes the object through image and location (dt). Thus the mobile phone becomes a screen over the world. Now over well-know buildings and objects, later over trees, cars, or people. And of course over brand products as well. So we can immediately start the dialogue. And especially ask lots of questions. This future image comes a step closer this way.

Design your own universe

Galaxiki is a gigantic universe in which you can create and maintain your own galaxy. You can design and make everything yourself. Did you want your own star, then here is your chance (pl, Dutch). We talk about virtual worlds a lot, but in fact we talk about completely imitate everything there is. And that doesn't end at the earth's atmosphere. We can see the virtual universe as the collective of virtual worlds. Virtual game worlds, virtual enjoyment worlds, and virtual brand worlds. Some of these worlds are clearly connected, some of these are incredibly far away from each other. And every now and then, some virtual planets for a moment come together to have an exchange of energy. We might call that a campaign in the normal world.

Related trends

Train face muscles through computer game

Nintendo in Japan introduces the game 'Face Training', a game through which the player trains her face muscles. The player sees expressions on one screen of the console, and has to imitate those in the camera, of which you get to see the result at the second screen. Through imitating the expressions on the computer screen, the player trains her face muscles (dc, Dutch). Thus we get a trainer on a distance more often. Not just for our cognitive skills, but also for physical skills. For correct pronunciation of a foreign language for example (also through muscles), or to become more relaxed by controlling our breathing, or recognizing, expressing or controlling our emotions. Things we now still need a personal trainer for, will in the future partly be automized and thus become more affordable and accessible for everyone. Worldwide. This is a small step in that direction.

Mobile Search recognizes spoken requests

Windows Mobile Live Search is working on a system in which the search engine will also accept spoken search requests (mc, Dutch). In the future we will summon our brands by calling out their names (call Postbank! call Albert! call Audi!), then the brand agent appears, who recognizes us and continues the spoken dialogue with us. This future scenario comes a small step closer every day.

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