Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

I’m back

It's Saturday Night, 2am. Just back from a wonderful night of dancing. For some kind of reason I ended up on my website and I realized that I did not write on this website for over a year. No trends, no observations, like nothing has happened.

But the world changed, many innovations have been introduced that exactly fit my 2015, 2020, and 2030 predictions. I've worked REALLY hard on, my worldwide online community portal on artificial intelligent virtual humans, in line with the brand agent trend which I've written about many times over here. I believe those virtual humans will soon become vital in society of tomorrow. It's a matter where you're open to see them and acknowledge their presence. They are already everywhere, and they won't go.

Also, my personally has changed, getting deeper into my essence, finally discovering who I really am. This will eventually affect my personal branding strategy although I still love my colors and styling. But some reconsiderations become necessary.

I have decided to continue to write on my website, but I'll change the style a bit, better fitting with my personality today. It will definitely become more personal and I no longer will avoid emotion. They are there and I'm open to share them with you.

I won't have the English checked, it takes away all my spontaneous intentions, but I'll assume you understand it anyway. Over time my Engish will improve.

Also, I'll check how to integrate social media further, without having me to go to different websites all the time.

On Dec 10th, I'll fly from Amsterdam to Sydney, Australia and I'll stay there for 3 months. I'll probably fly back over India, although my schedule might change over time.

To be continued....

Visionary video on Glass media

This video shows the future vision of Corning, a New York based company based in specialty glass and ceramics. Very interesting! Below you'll also find 'the making of' which much more details and an explanation what's possible today, and what's not

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

It will take a while before this technology will be seen everywhere in our society. It will be revolutionary, certainly realizing we will also interact with intelligent yet virtual humans.

But again, it will be shifting in developing countries. The poorest countries in the world suddenly get access to these extreme reliable devices (no connectors, no keys, thus not sensitive for sand and maybe even not for water. It will change the level of education in the world. Forever.

Related trends

The Rebranded Future in Karachi

On May 29th, I will facilitate a full day workshop on the future of branding for the Pakistan Advertising Society (PAS) in the Marriott Hotel, Karachi. The Rebranded Future

It will be quite exciting. During this session titled The Rebranded Future, we will really go in depth. I love that!

This is what we'll cover:

  • Brand dialogue and the rise of brand agents. Much more information is avaiable on my website dedicated to this topics,

  • The brand coming out: the process in which brands will considers themselves as communities covering users and producers, instead of a company vs a consumer

  • coaching brands: the strongest brands of the 21th, stronger than any other brands we've ever seen.

  • letting go of the past: this is actually vital. Without getting rid of our ideas of 'how to build a brand' (according to US gurus from the seventies) we will never be able to build strong futureproof brands

  • brand psychology: without a true understanding on how our brain, and the brains of future generations, will treat brands, we'll never be able to get an understanding on how future brands will look like.

We'll have a look at the new role of brands in future society.

And most important of all: how to create futureproof brands today?

Look forward to this session! If you have the opportunity to travel to Karachi, be there!

Animated 3d logo tool

In my book I predicted that all company/brand logos would be animated in the future. The static version would be considered as boring, dull, flat in the future. Well', I'm not on top of the trend anymore, but just stumbled upon Aurora, a 3D tool for logo animation, which is proof to me that the market for logo animation starts to grow.

Ticketmaster offers seats next to your friends

Ticketmaster Fracebook FriendsTicketmaster Teams With Facebook So You Can Sit Next To Your Friends. Those who are reserving their seats will see a mock-up of an arena seat map indicating where their Facebook friends will be sitting, so the can reseerve a spot next or closeby.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

I’ve been writing about this phenonemon since 2004, and now it’s becoming reality. Finally, I’ve been waiting for this!!!

Soon, all our purchases will be powered by social media. For example: the next time when I visit a restaurant in Nigeria, I can exactly see where my friends have been, and what their experience were. This will influence my decisions way more, than any (anonymous) review site can ever do.

We’re social creatures you know;)

Related trends

Intelligent robot cleans house with GPS-like navigation system

The Robot Company designed the first robot mop with a GPS-like navigation system. The 8 cm tall and 25cm long robot called Dirt Devil "EVO" wipes wood, vinyl, laminate and stone surfaces. He has built in a GPS module with infrared controls. These sensors enable the robot to determine what surface it is crossing, what is the shape of the surface and how to navigate in space. Due to such a precise positioning, while turning around EVO sticks to its trace and don't leaves uncleaned surface.

EVO not only cleans large and simple surfaces, but also places difficult to reach: under furniture edges, in the corners of the walls, behind wardrobes. If EVO detects an obstacle (such as legs of the table), it cleans up around the obstacle, and then continues cleaning the rest of the surface. On the bottom of the mop robot there is a magnetic strip where microfiber cloth is placed. With this microfiber cloth EVO is able to clean all delicate surfaces. Therefore it can be a good alternative to conventional wet cleaning robots, which can scratch surfaces with their rotating brushes or attack them with chemical cleaners.

This cleaning robot was presented during the global trade show for consumer electronics and home appliances IFA 2010 in Berlin.

Robot that autonomously manages your lawn & garden

Friendly Robotics introduced new lawn mower Robomow RM400. The robot is designed for domestic lawns of any shape and inclination. It is powered by two powerful battery that uses its electric motor. Therefore it is very quiet and is environmentally friendly - no petrol, oil or gas required. Before discharging, Robomow automatically moves to replenish energy over a charging station. Depending on the programming, he mows the next day - or at any other time, just continue.

The bumpers are equipped with sensors that detect raise of the mower, trees and obstacles. Therefore it can mow small areas along around on walls and fences, flowerbeds and around shrubs. See on the following movie how this automatic lawn mower saves you time and effort.

Brand Agents, the Future Branded Artificial Employees

Brand agents, the perfect brand representatives. Emotional, intelligent, empathic, helpful and available 24/7. However, innovation can stop due to the 130 confusing synonyms a brand agent comes across with.

Brand Agent in ConversationBrand Agents are artificial employees that represent brands in an intelligent and bi-directional engaging conversation. They typically appear in customer service related areas on websites, where they replace the frequently asked questions. However, they now tend to move to home pages of large business 2 consumer brands. Their responsibility is growing. A Brand Agent used to be responsible for about 30% of the questions concerning customer service about recently purchased products, but now some of them are able to answer 95% of the questions. Furthermore, they are no longer only about earlier purchases, but they also provide information about products the consumer has not yet bought. Brand Agents are shifting in their area of expertise!

Related trends

Throwing balls to TV’s make it interactive

Although this is a 2006 video, it definitely shows the future of TV.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

All screens, including our BIG screens in our living rooms, will respond to EVERYTHING we do: where we point our fingers, how our whole body expresses an emotion and what we shout we walk along various screens. All our input will be added up, modeled and interpreted by brands, virtual entities on the other side of the screen,

This example might be funny but it absolute part of our future.

Related trends

Milo, the brand agent of the future

Just wondering why I have never written about Milo, a virtual agent, conversational avatar, chatbot responding to voice, face and gestures.

He recognises facial expressions and emotions of his interlocutor and re-acts accordingly. The video is a demonstration of a Milo's ground breaking technology created by a computer game designer Peter Molyneux and his team over at Lionhead Studios

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

It’s a gaming thing nowadays, but characters like Milo will soon dominate the brand scape: a brand agents, chatbot representing brands, they will answer questions from consumers about brands, about companies, about government. And eventually (it will take two more decades) we won’t be able to notice the difference between Milo and a real human being. It’s all a matter of time…

Related trends

Quantum Transformation event with Amit Goswami

Workshop with Amit Goswami and Uma Krishnamurthy in the Netherlands

Amit GoswamiThere is a paradigm shift going on in science from a matter-based science to a new science based on the primacy of consciousness. In the first half of this workshop, quantum physicist Amit Goswami, a pioneer of the new paradigm, will introduce the idea of quantum consciousness and show how it integrates science and spirituality.

Goswami will also explicate how a new theory of evolution based on the primacy of consciousness resolves the difficulties of Darwinism and leads to the idea of planetary transformation as the next step of evolution.

In the afternoon, yoga psychologist Uma Krishnamurthy, a pioneer of the field, will introduce the basic concepts of yoga psychology as the psychology of transformation. In particular, she will discuss methods of transforming negative emotions into positive emotions. Uma’s presentation will be both intellectual and experiential.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Insights we obtain today seriously influence our future in 2050. Many things we now consider as impossible, will be possible in 40 years from now. In order to understand the future one should leave the world image of today. Cool. Be there if you dare.

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