Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

MijnAankomst lets people know when you’re NOT coming

On MijnAankomst (MyArrival) you can register your traveling plans beforehand. If you don't arrive at the designated time all contacts you've entered will automatically get an emergency message via text message and email. This message will contain advice on how to trace you quickly. If you want to go for truly safe you can let certain contacts know your plans even before you leave.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Human beings want to move across the globe in all freedom. Insecurity is an important reason not to travel. For example because of unfamiliarity with the culture, nature, local crime rates or the language. Technology will start to assist bridging these gaps. This service of Dutch site MijnAankomst (MyArrival) is an example.

Water beam that follows you?

This water beam follows the hands of a washing person.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

What’s this doing on this site? The essence in these developments is that technology starts to adapt to the human being. We’re ever better able to spot people, to recognize them and start a dialogue with them. But in this case even the mechanical parts respond to humans. That’s something we don’t yet see every day. In the far future, when we think robots are the most normal thing in existence, we’ll look back on this type of development as earlier states of the technological ‘sensing’ of people.

Photos that are different from what you thought

This video shows the making of a photo where automatically through the use of a flash image, without you seeing it, an image is added. That image is seen in the picture itself, mind. It seems to be similar to photo fraud in cars. Here a flash that detects and bounces back the original flash.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The virtual world forms a shell around the physical world. That offers a lot of added value, but at the same time its reliability is in question. This time it’s about photo manipulation, but soon you’ll be able to call someone under a different name and even sound the same as the person you’re pretending to be. A few years later this will also happen with the corresponding video images. What’ll be real? Thankfully our brains are excellent at dealing with uncertainty and they’ll start to guess when certain sources are reliable and when they’re not. And if you have doubts, you can test it. That also goes for the contact with brands.

Delighted to pay for social approval

Our human brains appear to appreciate a monetary reward just as much as a social reward. Money and status are handled by the same spots in our brains. That explains, for example, why people are willing to pay more for a Toyota Prius: the appreciation of the people surrounding them makes up for the cost. The social function of brands proven, so to speak. There's more information at NeuroMarketing.

Private payments through Rabobank SMS

Anyone with a Dutch bank and cell phone number can now transfer money privately with a text message (SMS) by using Rabobank SMS betalen (Rabobank Text Message Payment, Dutch). Useful for such things as sharing a cab, buying a birthday gift together with several friends or paying in a restaurant. There are a few simple steps:

  • open a mobile wallet on and put money on it

  • send a text message to 6689 with the cell phone number of the recipient and the monetary amount (for example 0621567657 10)

  • you'll receive a text message confirmation of 6689 with a password – that's just a normal Dutch word; in my test it was 'kwaal' (illness)

  • send a text message with the password to 6689

  • you've paid. The recipient will now receive a text message with the amount paid and the cell phone number of the person who made the transaction

If the recipient doesn't yet have a mobile wallet, they'll receive one automatically on the payment. Then the recipient can pay with the money again immediately and this allows the mechanism to spread virally very fast.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

People don’t want to transfer money to a number, but to a person. A cell phone number is already more a ‘human’ than a bank account (which could also represent, say, a company). Soon it’ll be a standard function in Live Messenger, transfer money. Currently through Rabobank, but soon everyone will have a wallet hidden behind their telephone number. Sooner or later a financial coaching brand can help you with the simple sentence ‘transfer ten euros to Erwin’. Given the setting around that time the brand won’t even have to ask you which Erwin you mean, but transfer the money immediately. This mobile product brings this future another step closer.

VODW Partnerfeed on Mensmerk

Since recently there's a permanent notification of the last five items of the Dutch blog FuturEyes marketing agency VODW on (the original Dutch version of this site) in the right hand colon 'partnerfeeds'. This is because I think it's an exceptionally good blog: the items are highly relevant, they make a clear link with trends and the writing style is short yet complete. On FuturEyes is mentioned showing the last five items from the categories media evolution, brand evolution and coaching brands. (All links here lead to the English site.) With these links Mensmerk is also very relevant to the visitor of FuturEyes. This marks the start of a promising cooperation that has yet to assume its exact shape.

Related trends

Banners that can be marked

The line between banners and widgets (an intelligent coding behind a space on a website that can be shared by different websites) is slowly disappearing. This example shows a banner of an event that users can mark. This way users can put the date directly in their diaries, invite friends, set a reminder (maybe the user wants to decide later), put it on their personal page on Facebook (without showing it to friends or other people) or just book tickets straight away.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

A smart publisher, read a smart brand, makes sure that someone who’s set something as a reminder has a different ‘show’ the next time. To someone who’s already booked you don’t need to show ‘book now’ again. And that smart publisher will at some point know so much about a customer that they’ll know exactly what to offer next time. And that ‘publisher’ won’t earn money from the ad revenue, but from actually selling products. This is how publishers can develop into coaching brands. This is a step in that direction.

Related trends

Google Maps listens to voice

Google offers American BlackBerry users the ability to search through Google Maps Mobile using voice commands. How it works is simple. By pressing 0 the map centers around the location of the user. By pressing a special button the user can pronounce the business or the name of the business (for example 'ATM' or 'cash machine'). After releasing, Google gets to work.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Brands are starting to react to everything the consumer says, how the consumer watches, what the consumer does. In time the text the consumer writers will become less and less important. Currently we’ve still built a whole society on them. That’s going to be brought down in the coming years. It’s all about reacting to your conversational partner. It’s all about the dialogue.

E-ear measures vibrato

Scientists at Tel Aviv University in Israel have developed an electronic ear to measure a voice's vibrato. Vibrato means the regular changes of height in a tone (in an instrument or singing voice), the 'trembling' of tone height, as it were. Vibrato can make a tone sound warmer.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

New technology like this can lead to all sorts of new applications. This shows how a coaching brand can develop in the area of singing: we’ll be guided from when we’re a small child and receive coaching without needing an expensive tutor. Another application is in call centers that recognizes emotions in voices and that the scripted text can take into account. Or that, in videos of young new talents, we can find the truly talented people extremely fast. But eventually this is about the automation of listening: brands will be able to understand every detail in a customer’s voice. And for all I know you’ll sing what it is you want.

Micro mosaic

Digital photos connect to the intrinsic need of human beings to relive past experiences. I call this phenomena the nostalgic human. An older technique to help this person was the micro mosaic. During the industrialization a new class of rich people was formed and they traveled. They'd come to foreign countries of which they'd like to bring home something to remember the trip by. Those could be made by this technique. They're miniscule pieces of glass that (feel like) they form a smooth surface. The postcard followed later of course and then the photograph and the video. Digital photography today is another step in between stages.

Avatar travels along through different sites

You can now attach avatars to your browser. Your virtual identity (or one of them) 'walks' along with you across the internet at the bottom of your page. You can then meet and interact with other avatars. E-coaches too can walk with their 'client' along webshops, social networks or other websites.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We’ll encounter each other more and more real on the internet. Right now as a character, in a few years a natural image of ourselves, including our own specific walk, our current hairdo and our current clothing. We’ll see ourselves walking along life-sized, our ‘character’ will do what we want. If we raise our hand our avatar will do the same (but then in the language or dialect needed at that moment). If we observe something our avatar will have spotted it just a touch sooner. And of course we won’t be walking across the ‘flat’ internet websites (such as Google, eBay or Amazon of today), but in full 3D worlds where we don’t just have something in front of us, but also behind us, above us and beside us. That’s the world we’re build and the trend this development fits into seamlessly.

Do autistic people see the world more purely?

Soon I'll be going on Vipassana meditation for ten days. An important element of this meditation is 'clear perception . That means that you have to learn to let go of everything you've learned in line (such as social behavior, safe behavior and words that go with objects). Even assumptions like 'this is my arm' can be forgotten (like a baby hasn't really realized this either). What you're learning in actual fact is how to see things loose of all the earlier associations you've collected in your life again. You'll learn to see them anew, come into the world anew like a baby. With that you'll be set free from all existing thought patterns. I think I'll be able to use this both professionally as privately very well.

Professionally because in a changing world you should only look at how things really are not how we've made them, or how we look at reality now. Because of that I was wondering if people who are (much) less in contact with other people (like autistic people are, for example) would be in a position to discover new ways from a different starting point. Some autistic people (savant syndrome) are capable of extraordinary feats that we cannot explain, never mind accomplish ourselves. But maybe a different education, from the very beginning, would enable to produce such feats en masse. Then we'll have a completely different generation of people. I'm very curious about which new insights I'll discover (but I'm not expecting any special feats; I'm primary going for rest wink).

Demented people play with robot Paro

Eldery demented people in Japan with a robot seal called Paro. Since Paro showed up in the elderly home Mori-noie two demented ladies found each other in caring for the robot animal. Wherever it appears it creates a better disposition, better social behavior and even improved health. This is proven by long-term research by Paro's inventor Takanori Shibata of the biorobotics department of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Shibata calls his invention an 'Artificial Emotional Creature'.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Our human brains aren’t designed to have feelings for other creatures with our ratio. Feelings are created on a much lower level. We’ll get an emotional bond with this kind of creature that demented elderly people are already displaying. As these creatures get more intelligent, the bond will become stronger.

ABB trades beds

With Air, Bed & Breakfast you can spend the night in people's homes. You only pay a small fee.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is how the added value pillar of every existing concept will be knocked down. A hotel has, for example, a bed to offer, but also takes care of the cleaning, the security and breakfast. That’s what makes a hotel a hotel, and that made the offers comparable in the old days. In those days you could make a guide book, organizing by destination, class or price. In the demand-driven era you can see ‘I want a bed, take care of my own cleaning, my own security and my own breakfast’. That’s in actual fact the model that’s being offered here. Personal travel brands will sort everything and just ask what it is that you’d like.

Inside Trip

Inside Trip has refined searching for flights to such an extent that not just the price counts as a criteria, but also the amount of transfers, the risk of delays and the average amount of times luggage gets lost.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

We’re guided better and better. All generic aspects will start to count. All personal aspects will start to count too. That’s the added value of the mobility coaching brands.

SMSParking: pay for parking by text message

Through SMSParking inhabitants of Amsterdam can pay for their parking with a text message. A simple text message at the beginning and end of parking will do. The driver parks his/her car and sends a text message with the zone-number of the parking lot and the license plate number of the car to 4030. The system confirms that parking has started with a text message. Placing a separate parking ticket in your car will no longer be necessary. As soon as the driver is done parking, (s)he sends a message with just the letter 'q' to state that they quit parking there. The system again confirms this with a text message which will contain the zone, the license plate number, the time, the date and the price.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

In the dialogue between human and brand payment is a normal part. Soon if we say to our brand ‘Yes, that’s what I want’ it’ll be given to you immediately and the payment will be dealt with immediately as well. For parking this means that our mobility coaching brand will soon see that we’re standing in a specific spot, organize the payment for us and give us an overview at the end of the month. If we want, we’ll also be given tips on how to reduce the costs of parking, but some people won’t need that. The mobility coaching brand will understand precisely.

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