Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Category: Brand Evolution

The world is changing, and brands adapt. Even the concept of brands themselves is changing. This is extensively described in the book. Until August 2006 this category was the main focus of this web log. Tangible, visual changes of brands are discussed here.

Training With The Stars

Through Training with the Stars every (Dutch) runner, biker, or fitness enthusiast can now get their own personal coach on their MP3 player. The training is accompanied by encouragements and tips from Dutch top athletes Mascha Dolman, Leontien van Moorsel and Gianni Romme, as well as music keeping up the pace. Athletes can keep their log through the site. After registration they can directly download their first MP3 (ts). Thus new brands show how they take on the role of personal coach. In the future also for purchase advice for products, for special training weeks, or for nutritional advice. This way personal sports brands slowly develop.

Dragging routes in Google Maps

If you plan a route through Google Maps, you can now easily customize it by dragging and dropping points. See the video below for a demo (sc, Dutch). Thus brands start communicating more and more intuitively. By using visual elements instead of text. In the future we will be able to say: "I think I would like to drive along the coast", after which the "nicest route along the coast" is suggested, you will be able to see the views, and read what others liked about this route. This is another step in that direction.

Free access to New York Times archives

The New York Times archives until 1988 have recently become freely accessible (sc, Dutch). In the economy developing now, the experience economy, information is free. Everything that is general will be freely accessible for anyone, anywhere in the world, and in all possible languages. The art won't be to gather more information, but to select the right information for the individual, and through that reduce the 'information stress' to a minimum. An art coaching brands will understand very well, and for which people will be more than willing to pay.

Related trends

Tazti fetches brands on command

Anyone who installs the (beta) software of Tazti will receive brands on command. By simply yelling 'Go Amazon', 'Go Flickr' or 'Go Diggs' behind your PC screen you'll immediately be shown the brand page. Other commands are also possible. It's not always perfect and the amount of brands that's recognized is minimal, but it shows nicely where we're headed. Soon we'll have all our brands at our beck and call. And with all millions of brands in the world our contact coaching brand will know exactly which brand we mean. Just like we only recognize one Nataly, even though there are undoubtedly more than one. 'Call Nataly' will be enough for our contact coaching brand. Once we're in contact with our chosen brand the dialogue will continue happily, just like we would with people. And this can happen on every possible screen, especially our cell phone. Tatzi could grow into a contact coaching brand that will always support us.

H&M makes interactive posters

Fashion brand H&M makes its posters interactive by adding a special 3D bar code to it: a sema code. These codes can be read with modern mobile phones, after which an internet page appears. Then the products shown on the poster can be ordered directly (mb, Dutch). Brands make all their communications interactive. Now through billboard posters, in the future through bathroom advertising and especially also through advertisements in newspapers and magazines. And not just the communication becomes interactive, the products become interactive too. So that in the future, if we see something special, we can always order it in one click. And that worldwide! Impulse purchases thus are made very attractive. This is a small step in that direction.

Related trends

Vodafone introduces ‘widget’ for buying credit

Vodafone is the first phone operator in the Netherlands to introduce a 'widget' with which prepaid customers can buy extra credit through internet banking. Once customers click 'add to Google' on a Vodafone web page, the personal Vodafone box from then on appears in the completely personalized Google home page (am, Dutch). Brands get less and less opportunities to enter the lives of consumers. They will therefore put more and more effort into getting people to introduce them in their world. For example by really offering added value. This widget is an example of that. Earlier or later we will gather our favorite brands in one place, which together give a summary of our lives. Thus Google (or a similar brand) forms the cockpit, and our favorite brands are the meters. This is a small step in that direction.

Volkswagen introduces mobile traffic service

Dutch Volkswagen customers from now on can get route, traffic and weather information through their mobile phone. The service is free for customers (via em, Dutch). Thus Volkswagen adds more (virtual) value to the (physical) car. Now for free, but in the future there will be so much added service that customers are willing to pay for it. Then the service will always be available in the car, through the mobile phone but also through every other screen. Then we will be able to look into error reports from the car, and make a service appointment with the garage in one click. Then we will always have the most up-to-date maps in the car, worldwide, we will be recognized in any Volkswagen we enter, and our favorite temperature will automatically be entered. This is only a small step away...

Ciao stimulates members-through-members

Ciao Shopping, one of the biggest and fastest growing comparison sites in Europe, has members earn money through reviews (50 cents per review), and by getting other new members. They can earn a 50% bonus on all review earnings of the new member for the first half year of his or her membership. Participating in market research also brings in money: up to 5 euros per research (em, Dutch). Thus new brands show what a thin border there is between employees and consumers. People who are more involved, make more money. Even in times in which they are less active themselves, when others who they recruited are more active. Regular brands more and more start using multi-level marketing mechanisms. Or the mission work with which churches were successful in the past. It depends on how you want to see it. This anyway is an example of how it can be successful.

Related trends

Your ant works for you

Mier3000 (Ant 3000) is a new little brand that nestles in your Windows Live Messenger (formerly MSN Messenger) contact list, and that searches the (Dutch) national telephone guide and yellow pages for you. When you add to your contact list, you can directly start asking questions. The dialogue is still simple, although it already can answer questions like 'I'm looking for', 'I want the phone number of', and even 'gimme a pizza place' results in a list of hits. In Messenger's right screen (the activity screen) the results then appear on a map. Anybody who registers gets a personal ant. People can even nominate their ant to be the work-ant of the month.

Thus the dialogue further develops. Any human being, any brand and any other organization: we will only (literally) have to call their names and we are directly connected to them. Through speech (and image) with a real person, through a website or through an artificial brand agent. Ant then can become our personal secretary, a virtual coaching brand instance of our social coaching brand. This is a small step in that direction.

Ralph Lauren makes shopping window interactive

Ex tennis player Boris Becker here demonstrates an interactive shopping window of fashion brand Ralph Lauren. At this life-sized screen people can browse through the collection (ut) Now we browse through the collection. In the future we will be able to virtually walk around in the shop, to get an idea and maybe even make a choice. Now we still have to stand outside, later we will have shops with lots of virtual fitting and feeling rooms (feel the fabric), in which all our senses are stimulated so we feel comfortable while 'fitting'. It is also possible to do that 24 hours a day, a little less comfortable. You have the choice. This goes that direction.

Gaming with your mobile phone

On this screen called MegaPhone, it is possible to play games with lots of people at the same time. You connect to the game by calling a number, after which you can immediately start the game without downloading software. Just by touching numbers at your phone. See the video below. It is also possible to give speech commands (ug). And thus all screens and display slowly but surely all get connected. Now through special applications, in the future we will be able to get all content on our display by just pointing our mobile phone to it, and giving a spoken command. And should the display be too small, we just rummage about for the content with our hands, and 'throw' it onto a bigger screen. Until we are happy. We are in charge.

SalesForce reaps ideas

SalesForce, supplier of web based CRM-software, a year ago started Idea Exchange, a website on which users can leave ideas for product improvements. Users can vote for each others ideas by simply clicking 'promote'. The most popular ideas thus appear on top of the list. Meanwhile a lot of experience has been gained with this. SalesForce discovered that ignoring these suggestions can be very bad. The most popular ideas you need to adopt, or negative attention will be your share. In the latest version of the software, 42 ideas from Idea Exchange have been incorporated (em, Dutch). Brands experience a brand coming out. Brands become more open, more transparent, and the border between consumer and producer completely disappears. The involvement with the brand gets much bigger. Bigger than ever before. This is a great example that shows the way for all brands.

Related trends

Reserve movies at Pathé through mobile phone

Cinema owner Path now also offers the possibility to reserve films, watch trailers and see what movie is shown where, through your mobile phone. When you send the text message FILM to 4443 (in the Netherlands), Path Mobiel sends a link to an application which can be installed in one click (em, Dutch). Brands will be available on demand. Now we still have to send a text message. In the future we will call 'Path', and we will directly be able to ask Path our question while sitting in a restaurant: 'are there any good movies shown in the neighborhood within the next hour?' 'Good' then will be interpreted based on personal preferences, 'the neighborhood' is determined based on the mobile phone and your GPS location, and the system in itself will add: 'and which still have seats available.' Now still in an application, in the future it will be supported by the most important visualization of the brand: the brand agent. Thus, slowly but surely a real dialogue comes into being. This is a small step in that direction.

Related trends

Vodafone now also offers landlines

Vodafone started offering landlines in the Netherlands this week. This is part of the development in which telecoms operators and cable providers transform from service providers (telephone and televisions) to access providers: transaction brands which connect devices, whether business or private, directly to the virtual world. Big screens, small screens. Displays in the car, displays in the office, displays in the walkway. Our home network, our car network, or personal area network. Access providers connect it to the world. Once a device has access, literally everybody can use all services like speech, video, or gaming. Paid or unpaid. Who we get our services from, a totally different story, can come from anywhere in the world. In the future we won't have a wire giving us access to services: through a wire (or a wireless connection) we will have access to one big virtual world in which we can do anything we like. Vodafone anticipates this development.

L’Echos brings news on e-paper

French newspaper Les Echos after a pilot is the first newspaper in the world to offer a subscription on e-paper, electronic paper. This 'paper' is in a thin holder, the iLiad, made by Dutch company iRex Technologies. It is sharper than paper, and it doesn't use energy once the page is loaded. This device has a wireless connection to the internet, so that it can be updated continuously. A year subscription to L'Echos's service, including an iLiad, costs 769 euros (am, Dutch). Thus a new display providing access to the virtual world grows. Now it is still expensive, later we will only have the e-paper in our hand, we will fold it and put it in our pocket, and it will be very cheap. Now it is aiming at news, later we can do anything through this thin display. Now in black-and-white, later very sharp in color. Slowly we will see this display appear in our surroundings more and more. It now starts in France.

Alice now also helps calling

Alice is the new provider for Internet and calling (dc, Dutch). Brands more and more often use personal names and (sometimes real, more and more often artificial) characters to give their brand a brand personality. A personal name strengthens this feeling. This is an example of that.

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