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Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

Hyves on the iPhone

Hyves, a Dutch social network, now has an application for the iPhone. The application has an address book with the contact details of all Hyvesfriends. With a press of a button the iPhone user can call his or her friends, mail them, text message them or send a note or PM. Besides that photos made with the iPhone can easily be placed on the Hyvespage and Hyvesphotos can be watched on the iPhone.

In a next version a map will be made available. You can use it to see where your friends are. This option, however, won't be available until next year. You'll also be able to see per spot which events there are and which of your friends are already there.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

More and more brands are discovering that there are many more screens beside the TV and the internet. The amount of screens will explode in the coming years and brands will appear on all of them. This is an example of that.

Furthermore we see in this development that technology is disappearing. If there’s anything that’s technical, it’s a phone number. Currently you add your phone number to your Hyves-profile yourself and friends can then call you. Now they still see the number, but later even that won’t be necessary anymore. And in the long term, you won’t know your number anymore either; it’ll be connected to the way you ‘sign up in the virtual world’ and you’ll be able to do that since childhood (so in a decade or so), so you won’t know any better than that it’s all automatic. It’s about wanting to call someone; not dialing a number, but calling someone’s name. That’s hidden in this.

Belt with built-in camera

This belt buckle has a built-in camera, microphone, USB port and a slot for a micro SD card.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

It’s described as a spy gadget, but it can sometimes just be useful to remember what you see. For example if you’re on a tour or make a verbal agreement with a car dealer or if you want to enjoy your vacation again. You’ll see details which you’ve never noticed before. It’s about reliving experiences. The trend is: we record the physical world the way it is now to be able to travel through it again later on. A lot more cameras will follow and a few other examples are already on spycamera.

Key that tells you where your car is

Chip producer NXP has developed a chip for a car key. The chip helps you find your car back in a large parking lot. Holding the key near one's cell phone creates a connection with the car and then you receive the location on your cell which then navigates you neatly to your car. Furthermore the key lets you see which doors are locked and if they roof's closed. Useful for anyone doubting that when there are clouds drifting over when they're walking to the store.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Brands are going to coach us. They know much better than you which choices you can make, where you have to go and where you shouldn’t go. They’ll coach us in real time on the spot. It’s just a piece of technology, but it’ll be the most normal thing in the world.

Related trends

Shopsavvy lets cell phones read barcodes and compare products

Shopsavvy is a program made by Big in Japan for cell phones which use Google's Android-system. It allows shop-goers to make live price comparisons between (web)stores based on barcodes. Then the phone can look for a store in your area using GPS. You can also add certain products to your wish list and visit the store online, look at the location on the map or make a call. Here another slicker, but less clear video.

Shopsavvy won the Google Android Developers contest. With over 300,000 active users it's already the most popular Android-download. Soon Shopsavvy will launch the Dutch version of its software.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

This is an enormous breakthrough. Every product with a barcode! It’s a beautiful example of the progress of the product activation trend. Perhaps currently limited to a single country, but soon all the products in the whole world. Currently just price comparison, later for all features. Producers will do everything they can to be as well-presented as possible, on the cell phone too.

Retailers are definitely going to experience the consequences of this. For any product the consumer will say: It can be cheaper, and that can be shown on the spot. Furthermore web products are delivered at him, so you no longer have to carry anything anywhere. All the advantage the retailer has left is physically showing the product and perhaps advice at the limited choice available in a physical store (and some other minor advantages).

Stores have to evolve into ‘experience stores’: places where you can really try out a product. That retailer will start to ask money to demonstrate the product. They become an extension of the producer, so to speak. Then you can order the product from the retailer’s web store immediately and if you want to have it delivered (or if the physical store doesn’t have it in stock) that can be done too, because the prices on the internet will have to be competitive. With that difference that that physical retailers can give you a fuzzy feeling inside through sensory stimulation that in the virtual world is restricted to sight and sound.

By the by, this isn’t the end. Later we’ll also be able to see if a store has a product in stock and reserve it immediately, with a down-payment if necessary. Then retailland has to be automated really well and a lot has to happen for that, especially in smaller stores. It’s time for retailer action, because it’s getting really hot now. More than ever, seems to me.

Related trends

Sony Home 3D world now available

Sony's virtual world home is now available. Judging by the trailers with (far) better graphics than, for example, Second Life. Home isn't a general virtual world in which anyone can build buildings and objects, but an entertainment and game environment. Home is aimed at gamers, anyone with a Playstation 3 (PS3) has access and gets their own account. Anyone you meet is also a PS3 owner.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Currently such high resolution 3D worlds are for the console gamer only, but in the long term, every brand, even the smallest store around the corner, will have its own 3d world which you can access on any screen, so also your cell or watch. It’s a 3d world, just like the store is 3d. In every world you do what fits the brand. Sony stands for entertainment and video, so you’ll find entertainment and video in this world. With a clothing brand, you’ll find a completely different environment.

And the consoles will stay ahead of it for now. Later all you need to do is stand in the living room. You’ll get scanned and projected directly into that world. It’ll become so real that we won’t be able to tell the difference between a window in our home or a TV screen on the wall.

Related trends

Uitzending gemist mobile

Uitzending gemist, the Dutch site for catching episodes you've missed on TV, is now also available on the cell phone.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Watching television is an experience, literally. You experience something. It’s a passive experience: you see something, so you experience it. People like to share experiences. And television is an important part of that; after all, people watch tv a lot and have gained many experiences from this device. The ability to illustrate an experience by getting out the cell phone will increase the power enormously. Later we’ll drag our finger across a cell and point at a big screen that shows the video content again in HD format. So that we’ll be able to see what we’re talking about clearly. This is a step in that direction.

Google involves volunteers with chrome

Google lets developers design add-ons for its internet browser Chrome, like competitor FireFox. Many wishlists have so called ad blockers, scripts that make it impossible to display ads. Other popular extensions show in the browser what the weather'll be like or give access to, for example, iTunes.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

It’s an example of how brands involve the consumer in the development process, an example of how brands are becoming more open and more transparent to eventually make the barrier between consumer and producer disappear. The question is, what you own as stock owner then. There’s no contract with the consumer; it’s pure emotional binding.

Huizenzoeker shows costs per square meter

Using HuizenZoeker's (Dutch) housing market monitor, people looking for a house can keep track of actual figures and trends in the market. They can search by province, municipality, city or the type of house. The detailed page of the house has the median of the asking price and the average asking price per square meter in the municipality. For example, the average asking price per square meter in the Dutch municipality Bloemendaal is €5,188. A drop of 0.8% compared to last week.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Anything, absolutely anything in the physical world, will become transparent and mapped overseeably. Based on this information new companies, which enjoy the benefit of the doubt, will start to advise us individually. They earn from adding value to this information. This is a nice example in this direction.

Related trends

Age check by calling school

The American company Guardian checks the identity of young social network members by calling their school.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

The internet isn’t designed for the mass consumer use of today. We’d never have made it so anonymous if that was the case. We’re currently in a transitional phase. We’re moving from anonymous to a pseudonym, where there’s always a party which identified you and let you in for a session on the internet. Then you can roam everywhere under a pseudonym, but you can always be traced. That’s where this development contributes to.

Zoover in 13 language areas

Dutch vacation review site Zoover has spread over 13 language areas. Zoover is partnering with tour operators that can place the reviews on their own site and in return Zoover is allowed to approach the vacation goers to write a review afterwards. The strength of the internationalisation is in the judgement, the hard numbers people give. Those are useable internationally. The reviews themselves won't be translated.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Coaching brands work worldwide with the greatest ease. They bring together ideas, thoughts, opinions, and can use them to advise the individual, help them along. That’s international per definition, not transcending border, international. Very slowly we’re letting go of thinking in countries to go over to a situation in which we view the 6,6 billion people living and working together on this earth as equals. Without borders, which we once created but slowly need less. But slowly, very slowly.

Related trends

Iens mobile

Dutch restaurantsite Iens has, beside its mobile site, an application for the iPhone. You can search on location and kitchen and then get the restaurants with address, grade, and – useful – phone number you can click and call immediately. The iPhone application also shows you photos, the chosen restaurants on the map and the route from where you are at that moment (using GPS).

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Leisure brands are ideally suited for mobile applications. Currently we have to call the restaurant, but later we can reserve immediately. Currently we’re seeing everyone’s reviews, but later what our friends thought of it. Currently only in the Netherlands, but later this’ll work everywhere in the world, in all possible languages. If you’re in Nairobi and get hungry, you’ll go to Iens and look for a nice restaurant in the neighbourhood. All developments that are waiting to happen and ceased being hocus pocus long ago.

Bruna puts your favourite books on Hyves

Bruna has developed a gadget with which Hyvers (users of social network Hyves), can select three books, give them a rating and show them on their profile. Friends in their turn can look up more book details by clicking on the books. That data is provided by Bruna by means of a link to the corresponding book page on

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

In a next step you can see which books you’ve bought at Bruna, which books you own (no matter where you bought them), or have ever read. We make everything overseeable and decide whom to share the information with. This is a nice example.

Making money by adapting the Flip HD Camera

The Flip Mino HD recorder is an extremely simple device, as big as a cell phone, weights 93 grams, has a built in usb-connector (no more looking for cables) and sends movies to your favourite website with the press of a button. It only has one physical button (the on-off switch) and the other buttons are touch-buttons that light up when necessary. Despite its small dimensions and simple design it makes qualitatively excellent images with High Definition-resolution (720p) and you can even edit movies on the fly.

Every camera can be equipped with your own design. We're not talking about stickers or click-covers, but a real print. There are hundreds of designs available from which you can choose one, but you can also get to work with all sorts of patterns and your own pictures to determine your camera's look all by yourself. Furthermore you can release your design to others and have it added to the gallery of the online shop. Every time a camera with your design is sold you get $10,- commission. The price of the camera is the same no matter what the design.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

There are all sorts of trends hidden in this example.

All traditional marketing Ps are under pressure.
Product and Price: everything is becoming personal again. Currently the price is the same, but later we’ll get a ‘free’ customised design, but if we want something really special, especially designed for you, or maybe a limited edition, or with the designer’s name/logo on it, then we’ll pay (a lot) more. This is how photo and video cameras become part of your identity, brands with a true symbolic function.

Beside that the involvement of the consumer,  the more open attitude of brands and taking the consumer seriously is standard in this. A nice example of brand coming-out.

And finally everything is becoming simpler, simpler, simpler. Technology is disappearing and interaction with a virtual world is left.

Related trends

Send beer to friends through GetThemIn

Facebook users from the UK can use GetThemIn to give each other real alcoholic drinks. They can choose from an assortment of wine, beer, champagne, or spirits. For this they first add the GetThemIn-application to their Facebook account, then they select what they want to give to which friend. Payment goes through Google checkout. Then their friends get a Facebook notification, a text message that you'll receive a discount coupon that'll land in your post box a little later. This lets you pick up your product in the store.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Still pretty complication, but the essence is that brands (like GetThemIn) are using your friends list. Where this leads to in the long term is that you’ll be standing in a store, think ‘hey, this is nice for Lisette!’. Then you have a spoken dialogue with a brand like GetThemIn, which then delivers a wrapped package to Lisette, or sends her a message: “You’ve received xxx from Erwin, you can pick it up at the end of the street”, or – even better – use her location. Suddenly a delivery person will be standing in front of her: “Here you go, for you!”. That’s how simple it can be, how far it can go, will go.

Related trends

Watch that connects you with the business

NEC's M155 Messenger is a handy, wireless communication device that looks like a watch. It's designed for people with jobs where they have to work with their hands a lot and still have to be available all the time, like in hotels, security or health care. Besides transmitting text messages the M155 will also turn on an audio channel using a built in microphone and speaker. The M155 also seamlessly integrates with the telephone service and the (messaging) applications of organisations.

Future vision by Erwin van Lun

Cell phones are disappearing and integrated in watches. If we really need a bigger screen, we’ll take a portable medium which is bigger along with us, but in principle we can make do with watches like that. Not just privately, but especially for business, as this example shows. A watch of the business is a term you can expect.

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