Domino's Pizza in the UK has started accepting orders through text messages. A registered customer can order his desired pizza(s) by sending just one text message. You can even put together your own favorite menu, consisting of pizzas and other extras, and give that a special text code, so that next time you only have to send the message 'Big appetite' or 'Family Dinner' to Domino's for them to recognize your order (mc, Dutch). Thus brands get involved in dialogues more and more. They instantly recognize you through you mobile number, and they even recognize your specific terminology. In brand communication good listening is the key now instead of good sending. This is an example in that direction.
Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005
LimeWire goes legal
Controversial music exchange service LimeWire gets a legal version. With this, users can legally download music for about 1 euro per song (dc, Dutch). This way a music coaching brand comes into being. At first, most important is to have a complete assortment, so there is no reason to find music in another place, and then the personal profile follows. LimeWire can have built the profile based on the illegal music downloads, and then give advice about music that can be downloaded legally. In the end, new artists will come who will sell their music cheaper, or even give it for free (and make money on concerts and merchandise), so there will be price competition between the various music coaching brands. The added value in the end will be the personal advice. This is a small step in that direction.
See more than your eye can
Our mobile phone can see more than we can see with our eyes. Certain frequencies our eyes don't pick up, but our mobile phone does see them. Through the photo, elements we would normally not see (like the thunder coming out of the cloud on the shirt) now come to life (ci). Mobile phones put a screen over the world. They interpret what we see, and what we don't see. In the future we will be warned for very hot things, for poisonous gasses we can't smell, or radiation ws can't feel. And of course there are more positive applications as well. In games on the street. In sexual codes. In walking in a dark forest. More and more we will use the mobile phone as an extension of our senses. It will become more and more indispensable. This example contributes to that development.
Hema asks for feedback
Hema at its new website has a prominent place for customers to give feedback: 'tell us your opinion on'. After clicking, a short survey follows (am, Dutch). Thus market research evolves into customer research. Brands will regularly ask their customers what they think of their services. Not at the first contact, but especially after a couple of contacts and experiences. And brands will remember the answers, and compare them: 'last time you were critical about the speed of the website; do you think that has improved now?' Thus questions will become more personal, and the answers more relevant. This is a small step in that direction.
Life&Cooking rewards active participation
Food entertainment brand Life & Cooking stimulates consumers to react at its website. Action ZomerToppers (Summer Toppers) during three months makes it possible for visitors of the Life&Cooking website to save for a 'well-filled pack of groceries'. Every week they can collect points for opening the newsletter, reacting to the forum, voting in the poll, participating in actions, adding recipes, or 'going to a secret place on the website' (mb, Dutch). Brands are having their brand coming out: the border between employees and consumers disappears. Employees are easier to reach, and at the same time consumers are rewarded for their contributions to the brand. Thus brands evolve which are supported by groups of people who don't necessarily work for the same company. This is a small step in that direction.
Related trends
Sire asks citizens for input
Dutch foundation Stichting Ideele Reclame asks citizens for input on website ("you may say it") At this website, the public can leave suggestions for informational and educational campaigns for next year (si, Dutch). Slowly but surely societal opinion forming processes get a different form. Sire used to filter signals out of society, translate these into a central message, which in the end was spread through mass communication. Now citizens get a voice in the choice of the themes for the campaigns. This will evolve into one big societal debate. Every theme will constantly be the topic of conversation. Everybody may say what they think. Everybody may make a videotape and send it in. Others may vote for it. But getting one central message across to everybody will be harder. To make sure we stay connected though, new forms will come into being. This experiment is a small step in that direction.
Timing lets Tim speak
Temp agency Timing uses Tim as a spokesman. Tim answers all questions you have about work-related issues like illness, vacation days, or pension. Tim is the assistant at the website and directly opens the page answering your questions. And Tim finds jobs matching your wishes, and keeps you updated on any new vacancies. Besides, Tim can also just have a little chat with you. Tim can be found on the Timing website as well as in Live Messenger (MSN) if the user adds e-mail address (tc, Dutch). And thus, brand agents come to life. Tim engages in the dialogue with an almost real face, complete with emotions. Now on the PC, later also on TV or on the mobile phone. Now just for simple questions, but Tim will get smarter year by year. The birth of Tim, whose name is a great choice by the way, is a small step in that direction.
3D moving background
HypoSurface is a 3D surface, made up of triangles which can move separately. This way for example the word 'decor' can appear and walk over the surface. But also images of faces, objects, or artistic expressions can be seen on it. On HypoSurface's website you can see video clips about the technology as well as possible applications and concrete cases. There you can see an example of 3D air moving along a stationary BMW, which makes it look like the car is moving (fc). And thus again a screen evolves through which we can have an interface with the virtual world. In the future we will be able to send text messages to this screen. Then we can video conference, or play games. All complex 3D models like those made of water, air, or clouds, we can visualize with this screen. And a lot more applications will be developed for brands to use these types of screens to support the dialogue.
Related trends
Fashionize uses character
The biggest website for fashion accessories in the Netherlands,, uses a character in its communication. This character is used at the website as well as in the favicon (the graphic sign that appears in the address field and in the bookmark list). Now as an illustration, later this character will get a name, will become interactive, we can react to it and in the end it will evolve into a brand agent
, with whom consumers will start their spoken dialogues through any possible display. This is a small step in that direction.
eKudos shares income with users
Dutch news brand eKudos shares its advertising income with users who actively contribute to the website (dc, Dutch). Brands are having a brand coming out. With that, the border between employees and consumers completely disappears. People who actively contribute to the brand are rewarded. Others on the contrary pay for the added value the brand delivers. This is a small step in that direction.
Related trends
Google links search queries
Google will link ads to multiple search queries. A visitor who searches for 'vacation Italy' will be shown ads regarding Tuscany or cheap plane tickets to Italy. If that same visitor typed in 'weather prognosis' in a previous search, Google will assume that there's a connection between 'vacation Italy' and 'weather prognosis'. Then Google will show ads regarding the weather in Italy. Brands are targeting our behavior (behavioral targeting). Currently Google combines current queries with previous ones (in one session); other brands combine our purchasing behavior (cross-selling); soon brands will combine our (earlier) queries with are behavior. And can help us more specifically because of. And thus become more relevant. Google is a good example of this, but this too is only a small step in this development.
Jabra introduces golden headset
Headset manufacturer Jabra introduces a 24-karat golden version of JX10. This version costs 249 Euro (mc, Dutch). Every item worn on the body is part of the personal identity. Any form of technology we carry has a symbolic function. Brands in this play a very important part. In the beginning the focus is on technique. After that, as brands want to distinguish themselves, the focus is on design. Headsets in the future will either more or less disappear in the ear (compare with contact lenses) or will be worn strikingly, like ear rings (compare to glasses). These first examples of design head sets mark that direction.
Google checks users
American readers now have the possibility to react to items from Google News. For the time being, only people or organizations involved in the article can react. To be able to react, people and organizations need to be registered, and Google checks them through domain name and/or e-mail address (dc, Dutch). Brands make it possible for consumers to react to items, to write reviews, and to rank reviews, and through that involve the consumer. More and more however they will check the consumer's true identity. This way the value of the reviews gets higher though. The consumer will not be anonymous any more, but can still use a pseudonym. The brand however knows the real person behind the pseudonym. This is a small step in that direction.
With a 3D printer you copy everything
With a printer we can't just put ink on paper, but also make a physical object out of plastic. This video shows how it works. The technique has been available for a while, but priced at $5,000 it is now available for consumers (nn). And so the virtual world enters the physical world. Anything we see in the virtual world we will be able to copy in a plastic 3D model. Even a movie star on TV. Or a friend's funny face (or a different body part) on the web cam. Or a model from you future house you would like to see in 3D. It will be possible in just a few steps. Meanwhile, the world keeps turning. Generating a 3D model based on a couple of normal photographs will be completely normal. So if we have a vase we really like at home, we take a couple of pictures of it and a while later we have an exact copy of it. A child can do it. The sky is the limit..
Related trends
Mitsubishi starts ‘my Mitsubishi’
In a personal surrounding on the Mitsubishi website, customers from now on can manage their own personal information and information about their car, read tips, and look through actions and offers. They also can request test drives and get reminders for inspections (am, Dutch). All brands start to communicate more personally. Everything they know about people is registered in the brand memory, which in turn is shared with the customer. In the future we will be able to consult our garage records, read or listen to all our contacts with the call center or garage, assemble our personal car, sell our car or even contact our own car. To check the mileage for example, or to upload some music. It all goes in the same direction..
Projecting mobile phones
Motorola is working on a pico projector: a very small projector which in the future can be built into mobile phones, and with which tomorrow's consumer can project films and images on walls, floors, or even in the air (mc, Dutch). This way again a practical screen evolves through which consumers can interact with each other and with brands. If we have a question about a product, we keep our mobile phone close to it, the brand agent appears, we ask our spoken question and then get a complete demo in a video. And if the projection of the mobile phone is not good enough, we can always switch to a 3D projection through a different, close-by device. Or maybe we should project right on the product for a special effect. This development adds to that.