Your Planet Sustainable?Your Tribe Harmonious?Your Life Vibrant?
Future Proof Ideas since 2005, by Erwin van Lun

Trend observations, analysis and future predictions since 2005

PSV sends HD images straight to fan

Dutch professional soccer club PSV sends HD images straight to its fans, without intervention of broadcasters. It is the first time a soccer team is doing this (pv, Dutch). The experience economy is only beginning.

In the new economy to come it is all about virtual experiences, experiences from a distance, experience we are willing to pay for (a lot). This is only an experiment. You could say PSV is building the third ring over the stadium. In a next step we will determine our own viewing perspective (from any corner you can think of), and the screen will follow whenever we turn our heads. We will hear the sounds 3D, and hear our (virtual) neighbor to our right yell. We can record our own comments, or tune in to any other person doing that. It will be easy to tune into older games, add virtual audience in empty stadiums, and even experience a game live, while it has already finished. And the real soccer lover can practice certain techniques himself, with his personal sports brand on his side. These will be experiences we'll never forget.

Related trends

Laptop reacts to finger movements

Apple's new laptop, MacBook Air, reacts to finger movements on the touch pad. Of course you can move the cursor with your finger, but apart from that you can scroll with two fingers, and with three fingers you can browse through the website. The laptop also reacts to turning, pinching, and stretching movements. Brands will soon start using these applications. On their websites we will be able to point at things, to quickly browse through their offers, and drag things together. First on the touch pad, later on the screen and after that from a distance of the screen. And after that, even our speech and posture are included. Then we really get into the dialogue. This laptop with these possibilities contributes to that evolution.

Mensmerk at 8th position in Marcom top 100, the Dutch origin of this website, has conquered the 8th position in the Dutch Marcom top 100. About a half year ago Mensmerk had the 13th position. Then the Technorati Index was added to the scoring. As I seemed to score low on that index, Mensmerk fell to place 18. Last month the MarketingFacts editorial team graded Mensmerk with an 8 (only 4 sites in the Netherlands are given that grade), and with that Mensmerk again rose to place 13. My call for my fans to vote for Mensmerk last month resulted in conquering the 8th place: the top 10 position I've been aiming for. Even so, I can improve a thing or two...

Parenting lessons from China

In China the way to potty-train children is completely different from western customs. The average age for a child to be potty-trained in China is between 12 and 15 months. Western babies are generally potty-trained between 18-30 months. Chinese people have a different vision of 'learning', which will soon inspire the western world.

MiraWorldTV brings TV streams together

MiraWorldTV brings all TV streams together (al). At this point in time the most important thing is to bring everything together. In other words, for home entertainment coaching brands to be: bring all games, all videos, all live-video together. Then it becomes critical to make very personal selections, start them, and bill them. On demand. Then brands really start adding value to the lives of consumers.

Camera makes faces look nicer

The new Sony T-200 camera recognizes up to 8 faces in a photo and automatically controls focus, exposure, color and flash to bring out the best in everyone. With that, making bad pictures is history. (al). We always want to look better than we do. Our holiday pictures always need to have a lot of sun. We always want to look our very best at pictures. Sony helps us here. Soon we will be able to participate in a Sunday morning video conference with colleagues in our underwear. Background, makeup and clothes are added automatically. Now in still images, soon in moving images. It will soon be the most normal thing in the world.

Ear microphone

Japanese company Ns-elex has developed a new device that will allow people to "speak" through their ear so they can use their mobile telephones in noisy places. The device doubles as an earphone and a microphone by detecting air vibrations inside the ear. (al). In the future the audio part of our virtual world experience will be built in our heads. We will carry invisible audio-devices in our ears, serving as speakers as well as microphones. Outside sounds they will of course allow in, if we choose to permit that. This way we can zoom in to every conversation, even from a far distance. It will be no problem to have a conversation with somebody sitting on the other side of a bar. And even when no vibrations are reaching our ears any more, we transfer to a virtual world, to still be able to talk. Soon we will be helpless without our 'audio boosters', or whatever we will decide to call these devices.

WeekendjeWeg adds addresses to TomTom

Dutch website for holiday homes and hotels ('A weekend away') provides directions for guests through a button 'Add to my TomTom' with every hotel. Soon it will be possible to add all hotels in one go (am, Dutch). Now we still have to actively transfer information, soon even our TomTom will be a (mobile) window to the virtual world. We then won't just have dialogues with the TomTom brand through this screen, but also with other brands. Like a Philips TV or a Dell monitor also provides access to the virtual world. Then the dialogue we started with WeekendjeWeg on a bigger screen will just continue on a smaller, mobile screen. Then we will be able to retrieve reviews and have them read to us on our mobile screen. And if we want to know how to get somewhere, TomTom's brand agent is there for us.

Sanoma buys living websites

Publisher Sanoma has bought Dutch living websites and as an extension to their existing websites and The two newly acquired websites are both aimed at consumers who want to change their house or garden. At the user can ask for the services of a 'Realtor' to find the right contractor for a complete renovation. is an auction site at which supply and demand for jobs on houses. Consumers can post their jobs, and professional companies can put their offers in.

Related trends

Mijnsein notifies you of ending insurance

Mijnsein sends out an e-mail of text message just before an insurance contract is going to be extended (em, Dutch). Brands will soon be pro-active, and start thinking for consumers. So that finally you will have the feeling you are working with friends instead of brands that want to bind you through contracts. This will strengthen the emotional loyalty to brands tremendously.

Rijkswaterstaat makes maps available for free

The Dutch Directorate for Public Works and Water Management 'Rijkswaterstaat' want to make maps available for free (em, Dutch). Information will soon be free, everything will be freely available and connected worldwide, so that the physical world becomes completely transparent. Earning money on general information (which is still the foundation of most publishers' business models) will be impossible. It will be the art to get to know individual consumers in-depth, and present them tailor-made information. Brands who are able to do that, and are even able to get the consumer to (re)act (I call them coaching brands), are the strongest brands of the 21st century.

Related trends

Cloudspeakers brings music reviews together

Cloudspeakers brings music reviews of various sources together (em, Dutch). Thus music coaching brands come to life. Soon consumers will have chosen their own brand which brings all music together that has ever been made, in any language, in any country, by any artist, and combines it with reviews, concert tickets, karaoke, or only the vocal part to which you can make your own music. The art will be to make the difference in entertaining consumers musically. To be able to do that, brands will have to know the music someone really enjoys: they will have to deepen the relationships with their customers. For now the most important thing is still completeness: bring everything together so I don't have to search any more.

Martinair starts travel guide for mobile phone

Martinair as the first airline provides its passengers with a travel guide for mobile phones (mc, Dutch). Thus travel coaching brands come to life. In this example the travel guide function is connected to an airline, soon new brands will watch all holiday moments during your life, including all moments of orientation, of booking, joy of preparation, return, and joy of looking back. They are the ultimate providers of this service and will be able to offer tailored information. The introduction of this travel guide adds to a new dynamic in the travel branch.

Voice-operated headset

With Bluetrek's Sense callers can operate their headset (picking up or ignoring calls) with their voice. Besides, the Bluetrek Sense is also equipped with some so-called Voice Alerts, which literally tell you what phone function you are using, or just have activated, like ‘Redial last number’ or ‘Call rejected’ (mc, Dutch). Now we operate devices with our voice, soon we make contact with all kinds of brands through these devices. We then call our social coaching brand, named Joyce for example: 'Joyce', 'Yes Erwin', 'Connect me to Yvette please'. We think it is completely normal for technology to react to us. Now still bound to a device, but soon Joyce will appear on a display in the store, in a hotel in Malibu, and in a rental car in Bangkok. This future gets closer every day.

LinkedIn remembers all e-mail addresses

Business social network LinkedIn remembers and shows all e-mail addresses of an individual member. In the course of years people send each other invitations, whereby they sometimes use a different e-mail address, while they do link these invitations to a certain profile. Thus LinkedIn can build up a database of different e-mail addresses for every individual. The user then can choose what should be the primary address for communication between the brand LinkedIn and the user. Very smart.

All brands will soon do this. They don't just have one e-mail address of an individual consumer in their database, but also all associated e-mail addresses. So that if an e-mail address doesn't work any more, they can send a message to an alternative e-mail address. In these times, in which it is always harder to find new clients (or reach them using traditional channels), you have to give more attention to keeping existing customers. At this time, it is five times as expensive to get a new client as compared to keeping an existing client; this ratio will change for the worse in the years to come. This type of extensions of the database therefore will prove to be very profitable.

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